Highland Park, Illinois Parade Shooting


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
do you or anyone else on here know if this shooter posted on social media about the system?

like student debt, housing prices, etc.
Yeah, he was upset about student debt and housing prices. 🤣 You really are delusional. The matrix made him do it. Lol


Well-Known Member
Cannibis Induced Psychosis. Look it up. Todays weed isn’t the weed you grew up smoking. Instead of just believing everything you hear on the lying news every night, do some research.
show me the list of countries which shows rate of pot smoking

guarantee you it doesnt justify your mass shootings

El Correcto

god is dead
Cannibis Induced Psychosis.
This could be part of the problem with this kid. I wonder how much weed he smoked per week and how old he was when he started.
You can stay psychotic for a long time without even noticing anything wrong with you, especially when people already expect you to be the quirky weird guy. Could explain a lot with this guy tbh, also his weight. Long term psychotic people don’t really eat much, it’s similar to bipolar mania in some ways, they tend to get fat when put on anti-psychotics.


Inordinately Right
  1. He didn’t stand out, he absolutely did stand out and he was also a nutjob on social media facial tattoos and joking about mass shootings is pretty uncommon even in in game chat boxes.
  2. Mental illness caused him to live in a fantasy world, not porn, video games or social media.
  3. Where is this government endorsed weed? Is he referring to legalized marijuana? That is not the government endorsing something.
  4. Endless psychotropic drugs handed out at EVERY SCHOOL IN THE COUNTRY!!! Yeah that isn’t happening Tucker is in a fantasy world, maybe we should red flag him.
  5. I never get lectured about my privilege, that is elitist Twitter nonsense.
1. He didn't stand out when he was in school, people interviewed said he was a quiet kid.
2. Those things enabled him to live in a delusional world isolated from normal society.
3. Yes I imagine he is talking about legal weed, and some research suggests it exacerbates schizophrenia.
4. Adderall is a psychotropic drug, so yes, they're in every school in this country.
5. Then you never turn on the TV or radio or listen to anything the current administration says, because they're absolutely obsessed with it.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
1. He didn't stand out when he was in school, people interviewed said he was a quiet kid.
2. Those things enabled him to live in a delusional world isolated from normal society.
3. Yes I imagine he is talking about legal weed, and some research suggests it exacerbates schizophrenia.
4. Adderall is a psychotropic drug, so yes, they're in every school in this country.
5. Then you never turn on the TV or radio or listen to anything the current administration says, because they're absolutely obsessed with it.
He didn’t stand out because most of the boys his age look the same way. Potheads with blue hair an tats.


Well-Known Member
This could be part of the problem with this kid. I wonder how much weed he smoked per week and how old he was when he started.
You can stay psychotic for a long time without even noticing anything wrong with you, especially when people already expect you to be the quirky weird guy. Could explain a lot with this guy tbh, also his weight. Long term psychotic people don’t really eat much, it’s similar to bipolar mania in some ways, they tend to get fat when put on anti-psychotics.
People act like weed is completely safe and by and large I would probably say it fairly benign. But someone who already has chemical imbalance constantly self baking we really don’t know what effect it has on the brain.
I know from personal experience people try to tell me you cannot get addicted to marijuana but yet they cannot stop their self from continuing to smoke it even if it affects their life detrimentally, either by the amount of money they spend on it or by losing opportunities for doing it.


Well-Known Member

The parents of accused Highland Park, Illinois, shooter Robert ‘Bobby’ Crimo III were "a problem" and always the last to pick him up from his afterschool sports program, the suspect's former coach told Fox News Digital.

"I remember the parents more than him because they were kind of a problem," recalled Jeremy Cahnmann, who ran an afterschool sports program at Lincoln Elementary School. "There wasn't a lot of love in that family."
Pesina is a self-proclaimed energy healer with her company called Trilogy Energy Systems, according to her Facebook page.
Pesina, however, was a handful, he said. "She got into it once with one of the heads of the program, she was yelling," he recalled. "It seemed like her kids were a nuisance to her."
The mom seemed unstable while the father was well liked in the community, locals told Fox News Digital.


Well-Known Member
I don’t know what the constant going over his life is for at this point I don’t know what we can glean from that, I don’t care if his mother was liked in the community he was an adult And responsible for his own actions. I do know everything you think would work was in place here and none of it helped. Why is that? Somehow you think more laws Will save people? Word to the wise no matter the situation your safety is always your responsibility first. And even then it’s not a guarantee.


I’m full of it
This is exactly why I try to avoid big crowds no telling who is in that crowd cocked and loaded.Now if they have a shooting in the local Food Lion or Dollar General I might be in trouble.


Well-Known Member
Yes in the American system money can get you a better deal. Even this turd
what kind of deal would he get? i was thinking mental illness would be his out.

public defenders arent going to defend him unless an exception is made bc of media attention. the justice system isnt properly funded in america so public defenders dont have time to properly defend their clients.