Hillary Clinton most likely suffers from advanced Parkinsons disease...


Strength through joy
What the campaign is saying is that DRUMPF "PUSHED" the birther story NOT created it. No memory loss there.. yes, they brought it up initially, but let it go, DRUMPF tried to advance the story, because, LIKE YOU, he fell for the right wing conspiracy relating to Obamas citizenship.

He, LIKE YOU, bought into it, but unlike YOU, he didnt start a thread for 5 years only to let it go down in flames, he rather, went down in flames in person and on national television.

Understand now?

Hillary dropped her attack upon Obama right after a homeless person walked into one of her campaign HQs and shot the manager ( a personal friend ) dead. The shooter was killed by the police right afterward before he could give a statement for his actions.

By the way , the BC released by the White House is fake.
Much like you.


Inordinately Right
Hillary dropped her attack upon Obama right after a homeless person walked into one of her campaign HQs and shot the manager ( a personal friend ) dead. The shooter was killed by the police right afterward before he could give a statement for his actions.

By the way , the BC released by the White House is fake.
Much like you.


Strength through joy
Hillary's Health Concerns Serious, Say Most Doctors Polled by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)

Hillary's Health Concerns Serious, Say Most Doctors Polled by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS)

TUCSON, Ariz., Sept. 8, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Concerns about Hillary Clinton's health are "serious—could be disqualifying for the position of President of the U.S.," say nearly 71% of 250 physicians responding to an informal internet survey by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). About 20% said concerns were "likely overblown, but should be addressed as by full release of medical records." Only 2.7% responded that they were "just a political attack; I have confidence in the letter from her physician and see no cause for concern."
While more than 81% were aware of her history of a concussion, only 59% were aware of the cerebral sinus thrombosis, and 52% of the history of deep venous thrombosis.

More than 78% said the health concerns had received "not enough emphasis" in the media, and only 2.7% that there had been "too much emphasis."

Nearly two-thirds said that a physician who had a concern about a candidate's fitness to serve for health reasons should "make the concerns known to the public." Only 11% said a physician should "keep silent unless he had personally examined the patient," and 10% that the candidate's health was "off limits for public discussion."


The power of suggestion is the "last hope" for republican conservatives in this election.

They have lost on all other "suggestions" designed to take down hillary.

Now, they are down to "suggesting" Hillarys health is in jeopardy.

She coughs, so all of a sudden she is suffering from some major desease or illness, and not because she is speaking/yelling at rallies and forums EVERYDAY, sometimes three times a day, exhausting her vocal chords..

Its hilarious to watch these victims of suggestion media believe they are having an intelligent conversation on the subject.

Its even more hilarious, to watch the right wing parade out doctors who can make diagnosis without examining the patient.

You people are desperate and without limits.

Face it, you are going to lose the election.


It's hillaryious all right .


Engorged Member
really? are you so insecure with your own self that you need to just throw out random insults to others here?

You people have said Hillary has everything from cancer to Parkinson's. led by your head cheerleader and conspiracy theorist Sean Hannity. It's a narrative, straight from the RNC, directing all of their talkers to attack Hillary's health.

If you can't see that (you can't), you're dumb.


Engorged Member
No it isnt, I concur with the diagnosis based upon my observations as well...


Dr TOS. I have observed strange behaviors with many of the Right Wing types populating this forum. I'm diagnosing head trauma, resulting in brain injury, with various forms of psychosis, including Limbaugh Disease, Beck Syndrome, and Hannititis.

My net findings are very low IQ scores accompanied by an inability to discern fact from fiction.


Well-Known Member
You people have said Hillary has everything from cancer to Parkinson's. led by your head cheerleader and conspiracy theorist Sean Hannity. It's a narrative, straight from the RNC, directing all of their talkers to attack Hillary's health.

If you can't see that (you can't), you're dumb.

its not even about "you people" anymore . the old hag told the FBI she couldn't remember anything and blamed her head injury for it.
at this point Hillary is leading the charge on her health issues


Well-Known Member
Dr TOS. I have observed strange behaviors with many of the Right Wing types populating this forum. I'm diagnosing head trauma, resulting in brain injury, with various forms of psychosis, including Limbaugh Disease, Beck Syndrome, and Hannititis.

My net findings are very low IQ scores accompanied by an inability to discern fact from fiction.

just go next door and knock on his trailer door and tell him in person.


Well-Known Member
I was going to post the article on the survey of doctors, but Baba beat me to it. It looks like it isn't conspiracy theory anymore as a plurality of doctors agree something is seriously wrong with Hillary. Most likely a disqualifying health problem is being concealed by Hillary and her campaign in hopes that people don't notice. This isn't the first time a serious health problem plagued a Presidential candidate and was successfully hidden, but that was before a tv was in every household, a camera in every pocket, and social media allowing for this sort of information to be passed along almost instantly. Hillary is playing Russian roulette with the democrat's chances at keeping the white house and all that needs to happen is another serious coughing fit during a national debate or brain freeze at the most inopportune time and her goose could very well be cooked.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Dr TOS. I have observed strange behaviors with many of the Right Wing types populating this forum. I'm diagnosing head trauma, resulting in brain injury, with various forms of psychosis, including Limbaugh Disease, Beck Syndrome, and Hannititis.

My net findings are very low IQ scores accompanied by an inability to discern fact from fiction.

In my review of the same patients, I conclude the same results.. These patients are unable to discern reality from fiction.. symptomatic of low information voter syndrome.

Rush Limbaugh was correct in establishing that term for these kinds of people.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I wonder who else might find this confusing ?

Hillary Clinton: Men Bullied Me While I Was Taking The LSAT | Howie Carr Show

She can recall an alleged incident from her college days in detail, but can't recall who set up her private email server nor who had access to it.

You should start a MEMORY thread about Hillary and continue promoting it on this board for 5 years until you are forced to abandon the concept when it doesnt pan out, just like your birth certificate thread.

You would be two for two.



Bad Moon Risen'
I was going to post the article on the survey of doctors, but Baba beat me to it. It looks like it isn't conspiracy theory anymore as a plurality of doctors agree something is seriously wrong with Hillary. Most likely a disqualifying health problem is being concealed by Hillary and her campaign in hopes that people don't notice. This isn't the first time a serious health problem plagued a Presidential candidate and was successfully hidden, but that was before a tv was in every household, a camera in every pocket, and social media allowing for this sort of information to be passed along almost instantly. Hillary is playing Russian roulette with the democrat's chances at keeping the white house and all that needs to happen is another serious coughing fit during a national debate or brain freeze at the most inopportune time and her goose could very well be cooked.
You are correct. We elected a President with a disqualifying health condition. Your savior Ronald Reagan had alzheimers.


Strength through joy
You are correct. We elected a President with a disqualifying health condition. Your savior Ronald Reagan had alzheimers.
That began after he took the office , unlike someone currently attempting to gain the office.
Her own husband stated that she had to be hospitalized for 6 months to correct an illness.
Even her own doctor's report taken last year omitted certain aspects of what the world is seeing, a frail old woman who needs help just getting up a pair of stairs.
Better start learning Korean.