Hillary Clinton says Russians are ‘grooming’ a 2020 candidate (Tulsi) for third-party run

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I’m a trim fellow, I’ve gained weight after having kids and working at UPS, but there’s no literal way I could get to 290lbs, like Trump.

I’d have to be force-fed a diet of hamberders like a baby-duck, trying to turn me into foi-grass.

I could stand to lose twenty pounds...Trump could lose 120.

I doubt he can see his own dk without a mirror.

What’s up with all the body shaming?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I just thought body shaming was something the wokescolds declared out of bounds a while back.
I had to look that one up!

The act of being very pretentious about how much you care about a social issue

noun: A person who is woke and scolds others who are not

Self-righteousness masquerading as enlightenment.


Well-Known Member
I'm not disagreeing ... even the article link I posted said that.

It's just your inclinations (bias) I'm poking.

Why? Because it's fun!

Yes, I am 1000% biased against Orange Hitler.

Seems to me a certain poster whose name rhymes with BOLD JAM PRINGLES
had a similar unfounded dislike of Obama.

It is what it is.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Yes, I am 1000% biased against Orange Hitler.

Seems to me a certain poster whose name rhymes with BOLD JAM PRINGLES
had a similar unfounded dislike of Obama.

It is what it is.
I didn't have ODS.
I didn't like his Fascist tendencies and his racially divisive language and behavior.
Obama was as bad as Trump when it came to dividing the nation.
That is one of the reasons I find the lefts' complaining about Trump's racial divisiveness so amusing.
I agree that Trump is like Obama on steroids and dislike what he does to increase the divisiveness that Obama started.
Maybe the next Prez will repair the divide in our nation after our last two Prez.
Time will tell.


Well-Known Member

Movement for a People’s Party

You haven't gotten rid of superdelegates, refuse to open up primaries to independents, refuse to acknowledge rigging in your own 2016 primaries, and won't call for hand counted paper ballots and ranked choice voting. #CorporateParty #SystemChange
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The Democrats
· Oct 17
We owe it to the American people to make sure our elections are decided by the will of the voters. The 2016 attacks on our elections weren’t the first attempt to undermine our democracy and they won’t be the last. That’s why Democrats are taking election security seriously.