Frankie's Friend
Dude theres no "misconception". We got played. A lot of dirty dealing went on in 2013 (which was our last cba if you check it out)and now its show time isnt it??? Did sean get thrown out like trash??? How is this a brotherhood dude? How do you not see that it quacks like last cba's duck? People are jacked up abiut this they are. Read the vote no page after how they treated a man like sean. You know how that had to hurt the man who actually works for members everywhere, not to mention little kids.I get it. And I’m not defending Hoffa, especially since what happened with Sean. But there is always this misconception that everyone voted down the master and it was forced upon us. I really think our focus should be THIS contract. Not last contract, not 97, but our next one. Educate members about making the best decision and put the political noise aside.