
Preload Supervisor
Yes rocketman, SMART remarks. Thank you for the compliment.

Sorry, but you seem to practice selective writing skills, so when I read your posts I tend to practice selective reading skills. :) No hard feelings?

Okay good it wasn't just me...lol!

I was reading that with my head tilted...

ya know like when you say something to a dog and they tilt their head at ya, as if to say...huh?


Bringin Teh_Lulz
You may have to break the above down for us... It is one huge run-on sentence and I can not for the life of me figure out what your saying?

Of course it could also be due to the location of my head....

In a nutshell hes saying without hoffa or the union we wouldnt have some of the things we have from the union


Well-Known Member
You may have to break the above down for us... It is one huge run-on sentence and I can not for the life of me figure out what your saying?

Of course it could also be due to the location of my head....

Storm, don't bother--we have been trying to decipher his posts since he got here. We're still trying.
You, And Your Kind Of Thinking Is Exactly Why People Like Hoffa Get Elected . Your Perfectly Alright With He Fact That The Hoffa Administration Negotiated Away Things That Were Won In The Prior Contract. Why Do You Think Ups Wanted To Get Rid Of The Cola This Year smart Guy ? Ill Tell You Why, Because They Knew They Were Going To Haft To Pay! Tell Me smart Guy, What Good Is Voting On A Contract If The Hoffa Administration Can Just Change It Whenever He Wants? Dont Get Me Wrong $.15 An Hour Isnt Going To Make Or Break Me. However, I Voted For A Cola, And Expect To Get One When The Math Says So. Your Right, Its Not The Companies Fault The Economy Is Crap. Isnt That However The Entire Reason Of A Cola? Ups Can Raise Rates If Necessary, What Am I Supposed To Do To Cover The Extra Cost Of Day To Day Expences. Smart Guy Do Me A Favor And Keep Youd Enlitened Thoughts To Yourself.

Holy crap your shift key must be rubbed out after that post.


Well-Known Member
Jimmy I and Jimmy II are are as different as day and night. Jimmy I fought for the working man, to make life better. Granted, he did things under the table, things that were not quite legal but his motives were for the the working man!
Jimmy II's motives are for Jimmy II.
Let's face it, without SR Hoffa, there would be no Teamsters, without the Teamsters we would not be making 28+ bucks an hour with decent insurance and we would not even be thinking of a retirement of any kind.
Also remember that the only reason we are going to have any retirement is because UPS bought out the Teamster pension fund. Ron Carey is the real criminal here. He drove us into a strike by saying "he wouldn't let UPS break the Teamster pension fund". Anyone here remember the package UPS offered us back then? I do, and it seems pretty sweet now. If I remember correctly, it involved raises tied to the company's profits (which have skyrocketed since '97) as well as a higher pension and post-retirement benefits for the spouse and retiree. And don't forget the $3000 bonus just for signing. I'm still pissed about that debacle.
I am FILTHPIG and I approve this message.

rocket man

Well-Known Member
With out the union wouldwe be making 28 plus an hour? Jimmy senior was ruthless. Thats the way the world was.This union is not just ups . Some of youwrite in this and say the union this the union that, Its not just about ups the the Ibt thinks about . Yes we are a big part. im sorry you guys dont like my typing i stink at it but i try to get a point across. Im a pkg car driver not a typist. And a proud union member.


Bringin Teh_Lulz
With out the union wouldwe be making 28 plus an hour? Jimmy senior was ruthless. Thats the way the world was.This union is not just ups . Some of youwrite in this and say the union this the union that, Its not just about ups the the Ibt thinks about . Yes we are a big part. im sorry you guys dont like my typing i stink at it but i try to get a point across. Im a pkg car driver not a typist. And a proud union member.

You make 20+ an hour and still cant buy a spell checker? :whiteflag:


Retired 23 years
Spelling Police----who needs them:soapbox:--- It's not all that hard to understand the stuff posted on the Brown Cafe ( except maybe kenmei's posts ) ---- even with a few spelling errors. Where the heck are you kenmei? We miss you.
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Well-Known Member
Theres An Artical On The teamsters. Org Web Site " Highway Robbery" that Kind Of Rubs Me The Wrong Way. In It Hoffa Talks About The High Cost Of Gas, And How Its Hurting The America Worker. I Wont Argue With That, I Drive 70 Miles Round Trip To Work And Back. However, We Had A Cost Of Living Allowance In Our Last Contract That Was Negotiated Away This Year By The Hoffa Administration. Intresting Artical About It At tdu.org "no Cost Of "living Raise For Ups Teamsters"
It Seems That Hoffa However Was Able To Keep His Cola Raise That Amounted To A 4.5% Increase ($12,500) In His Yearly Pay.
For Us Ups Teamsters That Lost Out This Year It Would Of Amounted To A $.15 An Hour Raise, Roughly $390 A Year, Or $1950 Over The Life Time Of The Current Contract.
If We Were To Get The Same Cola Raise Hoffa Got, 4.5% It Would Amount To A $1.26 An Hour Raise Not A Roughly .0055% Of $.15 An Hour
All Im Saying, Is That It Seems To Me That Hoffa Always Talks About How Rough The American Worker Has It, And Yet Negotiates Away Things In Contracts That Would Help. Its Beyond Me Why The Would Have Done This.
If you compare this contract with the last one, the cola language is the same. The only change was the year in which it starts. Last contract starts in 2003, this one in 2009. Bad data often gets posted here.


Jimmy I and Jimmy II are are as different as day and night. Jimmy I fought for the working man, to make life better. Granted, he did things under the table, things that were not quite legal but his motives were for the the working man!
Jimmy II's motives are for Jimmy II.
Let's face it, without SR Hoffa, there would be no Teamsters, without the Teamsters we would not be making 28+ bucks an hour with decent insurance and we would not even be thinking of a retirement of any kind.

Jimmy One also brought the mob in and created many of the corruption problems that have plagued your union for years.

Jimmy two has a chance to be the first teamster president to survive his term without any indictmans or jail time.


If you compare this contract with the last one, the cola language is the same. The only change was the year in which it starts. Last contract starts in 2003, this one in 2009. Bad data often gets posted here.

Originally Posted by scratch
You got that right!

I agree "bad data often gets posted here," but I don't see what's bad about jware's post.

Normally, there is no need for a Cost-of-Living formula in the first year of a contract because the cost of living is known to the negotiators while they are negotiating the Year One raise. In effect, the cost-of-living raise is built in to the Year One raise. But no one can know what the cost-of-living will be in Year Two, Three, Four etc., so a formula is inserted to automatically augument future raises with a cost-of-living adjustment.

The last raise of the previous contract was ONE DOLLAR. ($1.20 for certain part-timers.) One would expect the first raise of this new contract would be more that that to begin with, AND would include and additional amount to deal with current inflation. Maybe A DOLLAR THIRTY-FIVE or so. Instead, that was negotiated away, (as was the part-timer's "catch-up" raises,) and we got just THIRTY-FIVE CENTS on August 1, 2008.


Retired 23 years
For as long as the people counting the ballots are his friends-------sorry I couldn't resist:peaceful: The Teamster Union has been Very good to me.