Why are you always behind the curve on information?
Its been made clear time and time again about immigration that 71% of illegal immigration in this country comes from expired visas.
The southern border only represents 11% of the total immigration problem in this country, yet you would spend trillions to close the southern border which would have an almost zero effect on illegal immigration.
Welcome to the debate however, now you are attempting to understand the problem beyond the "secure the border" platform.
One needs to speak of things for the way they really are instead of side-stepping because it's not politically correct
or doesn't want to offend illegals and their support groups.
Illegals need to go home and protest and demand rights from their own governments, not here where they have no
rights because they illegally violated the VISA Law of this Country and do continue to break the law while they are
The United States of America can not afford to support these Illegal immigrants.
We can not be giving them free education and health care.
I am an American citizen and I have to PAY some parts for my health care soon, yet these Illegals can walk in and get
it for free and not be held accountable for it.
I'm not giving up on my country and giving it away to a bunch of illegal renegades who have no respect for our laws or
the American people because they only come to take, take, take and turn a blind eye to the consequences of the law.
We just can't afford to be the welfare office to the world.
When the economy gets fragile as it is now, you need to think about the costs of bringing millions of people here or
letting them stay.
Why do our leaders of the Right and Left think we can afford it?
At some point it's going to be them starving or you.
That time may be sooner than you think at our current raise the deficit rate.
Such a path to ruin of the US caused by the Left and their blindness.