Honeymoon going strong


good people drink good beer
: = colon

; = semicolon

Just in case...

Barolo Colon


Well-Known Member
Left fedex to join ups been here almost 2 years now the same problems exist here as they did with fedex however the pay is too good ! I was lucky one only on preload a few months made full time in 5 months as driver so far I like it here there is more work like 2x what I did at express
but it's all good I love my full time insurance benefits best I ever had besides when I was in army . It's hard work but rewarding I'm sure lots of u gonna pick these comments and say I'm an ass kisser but I'm not there are many days I wish I could say take this job and shove it! But you know for everyone of me there are at least 20 that want my job. Anyways I do wish I win the lotto so I can tell them to take this job and shove it but in the mean time I'm ok here !
Is there a point here somewhere?


Well-Known Member
Well just expressing how lucky I am to be at ups and hoping those at FedX where I use to work won't be afraid to going brown that's what my meaning was sorry I went about it in a round about way but wtf life is good


Well-Known Member
Well just expressing how lucky I am to be at ups and hoping those at FedX where I use to work won't be afraid to going brown that's what my meaning was sorry I went about it in a round about way but wtf life is good


Well-Known Member
It's always good to hear someone has moved on to bigger and better things and out of this hell hole. Congrats and let the haters hate bro.


Oh Yeah
Yeah the job blowz byt your getting paid fatty so you cant leave lol. Yeah it is a prison sentence, but once that sentence is over, your good for life if you play your cards right lol.


Well-Known Member
The jobs isn't that bad guys man up! It's good honest hard work. No office politics involved. Just you your truck, packages and customers. You can be a beast or slack off to milk a bit more money. The pay is great, weekends off. Plenty of vacation and time off, good benefits, good pension...we are all blessed to have this simple job. Be grateful