Hourly Workers Unite Slate lose 3 to 1. friend.Z WINS,!!!

10 point

Well-Known Member
Was that FZ's competition ?

If it was.... it's kind of easy to understand why he won.

The guy on the left, is grammatically challenged.

Handwriting on cardboard signs ? That deserves a face palm meme....

FedEx home delivery drivers.
Both evidently have wives that sell Mary Kay make up.
They are happy FZ won. There's 2 Jeffboat stewards on FZ's delegates slate coming to Vegas to send H & H down the road. Jeffboat has had the best contracts they have ever had for the last 15 years and that's why they support FZ. You guys crack me up talking about things you know nothing about. By the way I am also an elected FZ delegate but I guess I won't see you fools out there.
Do you have to be from Kentucky to know what a Jeffboat is?
They are happy FZ won. There's 2 Jeffboat stewards on FZ's delegates slate coming to Vegas to send H & H down the road. Jeffboat has had the best contracts they have ever had for the last 15 years and that's why they support FZ. You guys crack me up talking about things you know nothing about. By the way I am also an elected FZ delegate but I guess I won't see you fools out there.
I know you. You are like 4 feet tall.


Well-Known Member
Was that FZ's competition ?

If it was.... it's kind of easy to understand why he won.

The guy on the left, is grammatically challenged.

Handwriting on cardboard signs ? That deserves a face palm meme....


So the Hof people dig up a picture that's 15 years old?
I'll take FZ's record any day over that sell out Hof!


Well-Known Member
Are those guys still sitting there after 15 yrs?

The Hof slate was so desperate, digging up old pictures, putting half naked pictures of women on his Facebook pg, even with all the outside help they were getting, they still couldn't come up with a good campaign!
TDU is so desperate they kept toilet Timmy