Poop Head
Judge me.
Have you seen the commercials for "The Biden Plan"?What is most frightening(to me) is the naked attempt to bring Communism into power in the US. It's not even covert.
Have you seen the commercials for "The Biden Plan"?What is most frightening(to me) is the naked attempt to bring Communism into power in the US. It's not even covert.
Bro, all that were arrested in this plot are proven to be far right extremists.Come on man, just because they went after a liberal governor doesn't make them right wing. This is what getting what you sow looks like. Your side let Antifa and BLM run wild this summer because you thought it would hurt Trump's chances. Skewed logic. What you did was embolden the lunatic left fringe to act out in more and more extreme ways.
I just did a Google check. The reporting by the New York Times labels them as extremists, members of a militia. Doesn't label them as far right. Supposedly the leader did a video in front of an Antifa flag denouncing all government including Trump.Bro, all that were arrested in this plot are proven to be far right extremists.
Interesting what you call "hate". Reviewing history isn't "hateful". Notice how(when criticized)(the left)(you) always skip over the murder of hundreds of millions.....this is the "hate" we are fighting. Yeah, you can't make that up or cover it up. But you are trying hard. Now, about that history....Notice how you didn't refute ANYTHING I said. You can't. It's pure fact(history)(recorded). Let's ask this: Do you think the average American thinks and talks like say Ilhan Omar? Hate filled Anti-American speech? Clearly communist. Really? A truly hateful person. The face of your party. You. If you are a Democrat, this is you. let's talk about hate.
They were wearing MAGA hats and had trump bumper stickers on their pick ups.I just did a Google check. The reporting by the New York Times labels them as extremists, members of a militia. Doesn't label them as far right. Supposedly the leader did a video in front of an Antifa flag denouncing all government including Trump.
Uh-huhThey were wearing MAGA hats and had trump bumper stickers on their pick ups.
Seriously?Trump is calling for his political opponents to be arrested by his attorney general less than a month before an election or else he will destroy his attorney general career and arrest him. He refuses to agrees to a peaceful change of power and backs extremist. Protests are allowed in democracies-which have generally been considered peaceful by local governors despite the fact we live in the nation with the most people inracerated on earth by far by every metric. Biden is a moderate in America. Bernie would be a moderate in Europe. They are trying to update America to a modern nation on social political issues etc not make it communist.
Let's talk about hatred. Who is burning down cities? Who lives in these cities? Who runs these cities? A quick glance will reveal.....wait for it....Democrats. Why are Democrats so hateful and angry? How does a city become Democratically controlled? Why? And most importantly, why do the citizens re-elect(time after time) that same leadership?
What is most frightening(to me) is the naked attempt to bring Communism into power in the US. It's not even covert. Not back alley/basement stuff anymore. Look at places like Michigan. Michigan! What's going on up there? How did Somalies take over and actually infiltrate American politics? Hatred is on the far left and what I take as defense of American ideas and way of life on the far right. Then there is the middle(most people). The bombing of Pearl Harbor brought the sleepy middle to full attention.....and they fought back hard with everything they had. This included blood and treasure. And while technically the Japanese and Germans weren't "communist", the effect was the same: totalitarianism. Democratic socialism isn't something different. It always devolves into communism. This is a con of mega proportions. it's being touted in broad daylight. Most folks are tolerant and want to live and let live.....until that freedom is infringed upon. I grew up a lower middle class white kid. We went to school, played football and had guns. Pretty typical just about anywhere in the USA for the last 70 years. Why is this now some hate filled America? What happened? I am not a racist. Most people aren't. But then all of this Democrat based hate is not about racism....it's about making America Communist. Hey black folks-white people will still be in power. Simply by numbers. Look at Russia and China, some of the most racist and pure ethnic countries anywhere. Hell, even the black dominant communist countries in Africa are pure racist. Yes, black(people of color) people are some of the biggest racist and communist. Witness AOC and the squad.
McCarthy was exactly correct. There are many communist throughout American society. Especially in Hollywood and even the govt. Do you think the American public will allow a communist take over? Is the average American yearning to become like China or even Cuba? How about Venezuela? Really? Yearning to give up all freedoms. Yes, that's what it means. Yearning to be led by regimes responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of people. This folks is hate. Don't think so? "Democratic Socialism" will be different? Never has never will.
Hate? Peel back the layers. I haven't even mentioned the racist Democratic past(and present). Take a hard look around at who is causing this "hate".
Dems are communistsTLDR how about a cliffs notes version of your latest rant
Of course it's hate if it is what you disagree with.Lol a hate filled rant about how the other side is hateful. You can’t make this up.
Truman who sent troops to Korea to fight communist, Jack Kennedy who okayed the Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow Castro, LBJ who sent a half million troops to fight communism in Vietnam are all communist? Your theory seems to have a few wholes in it.Dems are communists
Times changeTruman who sent troops to Korea to fight communist, Jack Kennedy who okayed the Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow Castro, LBJ who sent a half million troops to fight communism in Vietnam are all communist? Your theory seems to have a few wholes in it.
Lol.Right wingers showed up armed to Michigan’s capitol and a group subsequently hatched a plot to kidnap the Governor and overthrow the government.
great journalist:How Hatred Came To Dominate American Politics - FIve Thirty Eight
To anyone following American politics, it’s not exactly news that Democrats and Republicans don’t like each other. Take what happened in the presidential debate last week. President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden did little to conceal their disdain of one another. And although the debate marked a low point in our national discourse, it was a crystallization of a long-developing trend: loathing the opposing party.
This is hardly a new trend; in fact, it’s increasingly common among American voters. However, this level of hatred — which political scientists call “negative partisanship” — has reached levels that are not just bad for democracy, but are potentially destructive. And extreme partisan animosity is a prelude to democratic collapse.
It wasn’t always this bad, though. Forty years ago, when asked to rate how “favorable and warm” their opinion of each party was, the average Democrat and Republican said they felt OK-ish about the opposite party. But for four decades now, partisans have increasingly turned against each other in an escalating cycle of dislike and distrust — views of the other party are currently at an all-time low.
no. but we can be honest about the past. and the other things you listed can be bad.The reason for all the hate coming from the Left is pretty simple. The entire Leftist ideology is founded on self-loathing. It teaches white people to hate their heritage. It teaches women to hate their femininity. It teaches men to hate their masculinity. It teaches healthy people to feel guilty. It teaches Americans to hate their country.
Notice no mention of them as right wing extremists.![]()
Feds say plot was bigger than kidnapping Gov. Whitmer. It was civil war attempt.
Attorney General Dana Nessel says the Wolverine Watchmen tried to seize on the civil unrest in our country to carry out a terrorist attack in Michiganwww.freep.com
Poop Head just won Current Events."The differences between a Democrat and a Communist is the spelling"
-John Rambo