I have worked for UPS for 13 years. I went to my doctor recently and he put me off of work for a week. My supervisor just told me that UPS will drop my insurance for not working 5 consecutive days. I do not have sick/PH days to take...I used them all earlier this year when my mother was in the hospital after a stroke. I called my local union office and they told me that they cannot do that and suggested that I talk to my HR rep at the hub. Is this a new thing with the new contract?? I cannot and should not lose my benefits because of an illness that I have provided a doctors note for. Any advice (not sarcasm) would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
What state are you in? Yes, this is a new thing to everybody who was forced into Teamcare. Not everyone is in it, and they're plans are different, but most UPS employees are now in Teamcare.
It used to be work 1 day a month and you were covered for the month. Now, it is work one day a week and you are covered for the week. If you do not work 1 day in the week, you lose your insurance for the week.
I asked what state you were in because if you are in the Central Region, you are covered for 4 weeks for an off the job injury or illness. You also have the option of picking up the COBRA payment for the week that you were off. Sticker shock...roughly $400 per week.
If you had no other medical bills for the week you were off though, forget about the COBRA payment. You will be reinstated when you return to work.