He said...
You said...
Yet the proposed language states...
Section 4. (b). Full-Time Combination Drivers
All existing regular full-time package car drivers (RPCD) shall be considered RPCD drivers for the purpose of this Section. The Union and Company commit to protect existing RPCDs from being scheduled or forced to perform weekend delivery work and increasing the number of full-time opportunities for part-time employees. To achieve these objectives, the Company may create full-time 22.4 combination driving jobs. Such jobs may include inside work. In the event the Company utilizes this classification, the following shall apply
only to those buildings that include Saturday or Sunday delivery.
But you weren't done yet...
And yet that pesky proposed language
you posted states the restriction you claim isn't there.
- All 22.4 combination drivers shall be guaranteed eight (8) consecutive hours of straight time pay per day, if reporting as scheduled. All 22.4 combination drivers shall work a five (5) consecutive day schedule of Tuesday through Saturday or Wednesday through Sunday. This paragraph shall supersede any Supplement, Rider, or Addendum on the same subject.
One loses credibility fast when one is inaccurate. Either you don't understand what you read or you're intentionally trying to mislead.
I wonder what it is?