Seniority is crap.
Benefits and rewards should be based on merit and performance, not simply who has been hanging around the longest like a tick on UPS's ass.
I've seen enough idiots at my center with "seniority" and the crap they get away with to know better.
The only thing the union seems to be good for is protecting incompetent, lazy morons who would get fired anywhere else.
Bingo! Seniority is crap. And it's not even fully used correctly or even understood.
We have a 60 year old part timer with 30 years of seniority, but we also have a 21 year old with 1 year full time seniority.
The full timer kid just booted the 60 year old recently.
The 60 year old worked for the company longer and paid his union dues longer. Seriously, the part timer was loading packages before the full timer was even born! Lol!!!
So tell me how seniority is respected? Oh...... So this is about full time vs part time senioriy? Well just stop calling it a Union. Stop calling it Teamsters. Stop calling it a brotherhood.