I refuse....


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I have to admit I'm giving into the greed (but not the stupidity and consumerism)... by working the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday after Thanksgiving. I'll be working seven days a week and pulling doubles until Christmas Eve. Part timers gotta get it while they can, I'll be back to 25 hours a week come February. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the work. The suckers shopping like sheep=money in my pocket, hopefully more of them will stay home and shop online.
Taking advantage of the opportunity to work and earn extra money at UPS during the holidays isn't greed.

Greed...is clawing your way through the door of a Wal Mart at 4:00AM so that you can punch, kick and trample over other people in order to save $200 on a tablet or a flat screen TV.


Inordinately Right
Taking advantage of the opportunity to work and earn extra money at UPS during the holidays isn't greed.

Greed...is clawing your way through the door of a Wal Mart at 4:00AM so that you can punch, kick and trample over other people in order to save $200 on a tablet or a flat screen TV.
Tell my wife that :teethy:. Really though she's a good sport and lucky for me she isn't the shopping type, so my hard work stays in our bank account. I feel fortunate to be one of the few people who can actually save money during the holidays. Lots of people are going to be working the next few months to pay off their holiday debt.


cap'n crunch
I'm too old and brittle now for good Friday shopping. I did however find a Large screen RCA tv for my son at prices comparable to the waiting in line prices. I bought it online about 9am Friday and got an email confirmation it was ready for pickup at Sears at the mall about 1100am. Drove to the little delivery area on the side of the store. luckily, got 1 of 2 parking spots left. Wife went in to scan my credit card and wait for them to bring it out. There was a sign in front of our car that guaranteed we would have our stuff within 5 minutes. I was thinking yeahrightsure. Wife was gone exactly 2:45. She raised the back of our suv, they loaded it and we were gone. It actually took about 20 minutes longer to get out of the parking lot than to score the TV.


Nine Lives
Taking advantage of the opportunity to work and earn extra money at UPS during the holidays isn't greed.

Greed...is clawing your way through the door of a Wal Mart at 4:00AM so that you can punch, kick and trample over other people in order to save $200 on a tablet or a flat screen TV.
I thought greed had something to do about 3-point seatbelts. :speechless:


Well-Known Member
A population that is capable of free thinking and addressing the nature of their own existence in a cognitive and objective manner is a population which is not going to buy, shop, adore, emulate and become obsessed with the glamorous strangers in the spotlight or millionaire sports stars in the stadiums, or the latest gadgets they do not actually need.

Thomas Sheridan, The Anvil of the Psyche

I would also add in, they would not engage in the moronic actions one normally associates with Black Friday as well.


Engorged Member
I would also add in, they would not engage in the moronic actions one normally associates with Black Friday as well.

The consumerism surrounding the Christmas season sickens me too. The "War on Christmas" (there isn't one, at least in the FOX sense) in my mind is the relentless push by business to start hawking Christmas merchandise the day after Halloween and by convincing the ignorant masses that buying more stuff=happiness.



That’s Craptacular
No---thanks for bringing that to our attention. (rolling eyes)


Well-Known Member
The consumerism surrounding the Christmas season sickens me too. The "War on Christmas" (there isn't one, at least in the FOX sense) in my mind is the relentless push by business to start hawking Christmas merchandise the day after Halloween and by convincing the ignorant masses that buying more stuff=happiness.


See the "War on Christmas" thread where we are discussing the War on Christmas before there was a "WAR ON CHRISTMAS!" I think you'll appreciate it. ;)


Well-Known Member
It is listed as a paid holiday in the contract. I don't care what UPS calls it as long as I get time and a half for working it.

I don't care as long as they adhere to the contractual double time pay rate plus holiday pay. I know this is OT to the thread but I'm not convinced this holiday is going away for good. We barely ran half our normal volume Friday night and we went down almost an hour earlier than normal after starting a good 15 minutes later than normal. The volume is not there for a normal work day.

We are working because of the lack of infrastructure sortation capacity. Once we build up the infrastructure over the next 2 to 3 years, then I want to see what happens. This week it was announced that Columbia Air Hub would be retro-fitted to full automation and doubled in capacity. It seems a given at the moment that the South Atlantic district will get a new 60k feeder hub somewhere in the greater Atlanta area. The rumor mill is just wild as to where this will be but I look for an announcement sometime in 2015'.

Now back to regularly scheduled programming.