I was terribly wrong about lack of proof of Voter Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election


All Trash No Trailer
I will be the first to admit when I'm wrong. I have stated many times there is no proof of voter fraud but By George it seems three people that reside in the Villages in Florida have been arrested for Voter Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election.
Court records also do not reveal which candidates they cast votes for in the 2020 general election.
All three were registered as Republicans in Florida at the time of the election, voter registration records show........................but who can say for sure who they cast multiple votes for ............................nah i'm BSing ...........we KNOW who they voted for lol
I will be the first to admit when I'm wrong. I have stated many times there is no proof of voter fraud but By George it seems three people that reside in the Villages in Florida have been arrested for Voter Fraud in the 2020 Presidential Election.
Court records also do not reveal which candidates they cast votes for in the 2020 general election.
All three were registered as Republicans in Florida at the time of the election, voter registration records show........................but who can say for sure who they cast multiple votes for ............................nah i'm BSing ...........we KNOW who they voted for lol
Obviously a False Flag operation by the FBI. LOL


I'm a star
I'm shocked that so many on this page who talk non stop about cheating and Voter Fraud are SO quiet over this story!!

It's because we're unsurprised about the double standard and hypocrisy. Three Republicans commit voter fraud, they get charged. 365,000 (probably democrats) commit voter fraud in WI, crickets. Business as usual. Carry on.


Well-Known Member
I'm shocked that so many on this page who talk non stop about cheating and Voter Fraud are SO quiet over this story!!
The reason you don't is because like most if not all of the conspiracy theories surfacing in recent months they are easily debunked including the voter fraud conspiracy theory. Only trouble is, when was has been debunked they simply move onto another. Perhaps given the monetary damages Alex Jones is faced with having to pay people will learn that reckless conspiracy theories tossed out onto social and other media carry with them consequences for the people who started them.


All Trash No Trailer
It's because we're unsurprised about the double standard and hypocrisy. Three Republicans commit voter fraud, they get charged. 365,000 (probably democrats) commit voter fraud in WI, crickets. Business as usual. Carry on.
Funny how proof is given over the Trump supporters fraud yet no real evidence is ever offered given from those who claim Biden 'cheated" .All we get is the Big Lie


I'm a star
The reason you don't is because like most if not all of the conspiracy theories surfacing in recent months they are easily debunked including the voter fraud conspiracy theory. Only trouble is, when was has been debunked they simply move onto another. Perhaps given the monetary damages Alex Jones is faced with having to pay people will learn that reckless conspiracy theories tossed out onto social and other media carry with them consequences for the people who started them.

Yeah, those crazy conspiracy theorists, like the Russian Collusion weirdos. When that was debunked (at an expense of millions to the tax payers) they made wildly absurd theories about an insurrection. It's sad to see the total break from reality that so many people suffer. Like showing pictures of an almost completely filled stadium and claiming it was only at 10% capacity. And ignoring 365,000 illegal votes as though that wasn't proof of fraud.

I don't know how people like that make it through the day. I just hope they don't generalize and start claiming buses are conspiracy theories. They'd walk out in front of one because they would be unable to even see it.


I'm a star
Funny how proof is given over the Trump supporters fraud yet no real evidence is ever offered given from those who claim Biden 'cheated" .All we get is the Big Lie
Case in point. You should seek help. I think they have psychoactive drugs to help with your delusions.



I'm a star
Funny how proof is given over the Trump supporters fraud yet no real evidence is ever offered given from those who claim Biden 'cheated" .All we get is the Big Lie

The difference between you and me is that I can admit that there is evidence of fraud that probably helped Trump when presented with it, all three of them. You keep parroting "no evidence" after you are shown multiple pieces of evidence of fraud. Let's ignore the 365,000 illegal votes in WI. Out of 49,000 ballots that were inspected, 42 were cast on behalf of dead people, and over 100 were cast by felons. If that trend continued with every ballot cast in WI, over 12,000 would have been cast by dead people and felons. But good job finding those 3 guys in Florida. SMH.


Well-Known Member
The difference between you and me is that I can admit that there is evidence of fraud that probably helped Trump when presented with it, all three of them. You keep parroting "no evidence" after you are shown multiple pieces of evidence of fraud. Let's ignore the 365,000 illegal votes in WI. Out of 49,000 ballots that were inspected, 42 were cast on behalf of dead people, and over 100 were cast by felons. If that trend continued with every ballot cast in WI, over 12,000 would have been cast by dead people and felons. But good job finding those 3 guys in Florida. SMH.
All of these claims couldn't be backed with the required evidence in court. And to this day they're just that claims. Unfortunately that just isn't good enough.


B.C. boohoo buster.
Obviously a False Flag operation by the FBI. LOL

Its Obama and those Clinton's again. No, wait, it's ANTIFA; the same ones that Don Jr, Fox & wacko friends where frantically texting Trump to him to stop their aggressive sightseeing on Jan 6th.
Just more liberals fake news and science telling us things like climate change, smoking cigarettes are bad for us and that guns kill people.


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Inordinately Right
Which court actually allowed suits to go forward and evidence presented?
I don't think any case was even allowed to proceed to the discovery phase where evidence would be initially proposed and where both sides would be given access to it.

Democrats are just obsessed with election fraud because they are fascists demanding you pledge fealty to their dear supreme leader sloppy joe. That's why the words election fraud trigger them so much.


All Trash No Trailer
The difference between you and me is that I can admit that there is evidence of fraud that probably helped Trump when presented with it, all three of them. You keep parroting "no evidence" after you are shown multiple pieces of evidence of fraud. Let's ignore the 365,000 illegal votes in WI. Out of 49,000 ballots that were inspected, 42 were cast on behalf of dead people, and over 100 were cast by felons. If that trend continued with every ballot cast in WI, over 12,000 would have been cast by dead people and felons. But good job finding those 3 guys in Florida. SMH.
Over 60 lawsuits were filed by Wood,Powell,Giuliani et al and NONE of them presented a shred of evidence of voter fraud. These numbers you produce have been debunked, only nut bag right wing websites cling to them .
The biggest Trumper,The absolute biggest Bootlicker of them all Attorney General Bill Barr said there was no evidence of widespread fraud. Let it go


All Trash No Trailer
Which court actually allowed suits to go forward and evidence presented?
It's not the courts muted Trmp's lawyers, it's the fact that Voter Fraud wasnt mentioned by his lawyers. See you can lie all you want in Public but those lies stop when you enter the courtroom.