Do I think THEY an afford a strike? I'd say a lot of people can't. Depending on how long it would be of course. During the last strike, if it would have lasted much longer there would have been a mass crossing. Now, looking at a lot of the drivers I know, and their toys, I know they would be calling the union non stop asking when it would be over. Now if you are talking about part timers, I'd say they could handle a strike longer than a lot of full timers. A lot work other jobs, or live with their parents. The one's where this would be their primary job could have issues. I deal with all walks of life so to say people can't afford a strike is to general or generic of a question.
Now if someone was getting a five dollar raise I could see them voting for it, but if you only knew the hoops your elected officers have to jump through, just to get a decent turn out, you would think you were dealing with mentally challenged people.