Idenity Lost


Cardboard picker upper

you know exactly how much car you can afford. you will also know what your rate and terms will be. you can avoid being "sold up" on things. and if you were looking at spending 20k on a car and come down to a final price of 22 or 21k you have a better chance of actually getting the deal closed as your financing is already in order. just a method i use.


From the promised LAND
Bait and switch was a great way for the car dealers to make some extra cash on a sale.

They would tell you you are approved for the loan at say 6%. You drive off in the car, come back (in my case almost a month later) to find out that the extra low finance rate had expired, or you pick the reason, but now its 13%.

Ive also had one when I bought my spray truck tell me I was precertified at 6%, only to find out that was through the bank, and the bank does not finance commercial vehicles. (almost none does apparently anymore) And they tried to get me to agree to a higher loan rate.

I am like the rest. I like knowing what I am going to face in the next few years up front. I hate suprises. Besides, you know up front what you have to spend, not the car dealer. Its like having the cash in your account. Or buying with cash. It really gives you extra clout and lets them know you are not just kicking tires.



Well-Known Member
I recieved the same letter .I am having trouble finding the correct website that will accept the activation code.It seems that every website that they sent me asked for my credit card number and billing information.It seems coplicated for this old retired dumb truck driver. I would appreciate anyone has that wil help me get signed up for Triple Alert. Thanks Ken


Well-Known Member
I recieved the same letter .I am having trouble finding the correct website that will accept the activation code.It seems that every website that they sent me asked for my credit card number and billing information.It seems coplicated for this old retired dumb truck driver. I would appreciate anyone has that wil help me get signed up for Triple Alert. Thanks Ken

I got signed up after a couple tries. It does work but it seems to not work every time so just hang in there.

I'm sure that I did something wrong the first couple of time that I did it because it kept redirecting me to another website.
you know exactly how much car you can afford. you will also know what your rate and terms will be. you can avoid being "sold up" on things. and if you were looking at spending 20k on a car and come down to a final price of 22 or 21k you have a better chance of actually getting the deal closed as your financing is already in order. just a method i use.
I have found that if you are only willing to spend 20k but the final price is 22k-21k, you have a better chance getting that "final" price down to your liking if you are financing with them. They look at the money made from that as part of the total money earned for them. Usually if you have cash or prearranged financing with someone else, they are more likely to stand with the higher price.


Cardboard picker upper
I have found that if you are only willing to spend 20k but the final price is 22k-21k, you have a better chance getting that "final" price down to your liking if you are financing with them. They look at the money made from that as part of the total money earned for them. Usually if you have cash or prearranged financing with someone else, they are more likely to stand with the higher price.

true. i know the bank i worked for would offer a kickback to some dealers for using our service. it works both ways i guess.


Well-Known Member
The correct website is:

I also had problems initially but that was because I kept putting www in the address after the http:// but just use the address as I typed it above and you will be all set. You will need the information from your letter to activate the account.

Reno, class action for what?! This is not the first time that data has been lost and will not be the last. Mellon is providing credit monitoring to try to help but the chances of anything happening are extremely slim. Let me know how your class action suit goes.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I have had my identity stolen. I traced it back to renting a car on Molokai. They had all my info on the rental form and they said I needed to put my SS# on it as well. Dumb me ... on vacation , I did it.

We got a couple of small charges on the card $8.50 at a mini mart - a dinner $40, then they went for the big one at Best Buy $2200 TV. We got a call from fraud and told them it wasn't us. We dodged a bullet.

The key is to monitor your accounts (all of them!) weekly.

We had no choice after we changed our CC number to do this. They had a big part of my personal info.

We pay for a monthly monitoring service and double check the CC account at least weekly and I email my wife any unusual CC purchase. We froze the credit checks on all 3 credit services so that no one can start up an account unless it is us. This costs about $20 to activate and deactivate the freeze but it is worth it in the long run.

Going through ruined credit has the same type of consequences as going through some other natural disaster .... so why not protect yourself as much as possible?

Again the way to stop it fast is to monitor it closely.

I have also had some phishing scams hit me as well. I am sorry, but I have to look at every phone call, every contact, and every email as a potential intrusion on my identity. NOW ... I watch everything I write or say! I have had no problem saying "sorry, I won't give that info to you (unless I know who I am talking to and trust them).

Hope this helps some folks who may not think it could happen to them!