If 89 votes no again, pay attention!


Well-Known Member
Well I am one of those pt ers that care about a raise. But what I care more importantly about is there are several drivers waiting for this contract to pass before they retire. So new ft jobs won't be available
until this mess gets sorted out

"This is called the pre-LOAD not the pre-STACK"
Sorry I was trying to make a point, didn't mean to exclude the fact some people actually want to move up in the company! Oh and I totally understand why PTers want a raise, I remember trying to live off the little I made working midnight! Its time pt workers get some recognition!

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Wow really don't like when other people have a different opinion do you? You might think you're 100% right, but you're not! Get over yourself you're starting to sound like an ass!

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If you think so...whatever....he Is a chowder head....but with that being said, agree or disagree with me....whatever....I just dont want some, biittcchhaazzzzz talking smack, when he doesnt have a friggin clue!


Well-Known Member
If you think so...whatever....he Is a chowder head....but with that being said, agree or disagree with me....whatever....I just dont want some, biittcchhaazzzzz talking smack, when he doesnt have a friggin clue!
We are waiting! I mean you don't want to explain why you vote no (not saying you have to) but yet tell us we don't know what we're talking about! So tell us what we're talking about! I'm not a stupid man and I know when I'm being taken for a ride...this isn't one of those times! Oh and down here we don't know what chowder is...it's more about grits, pulled BBQ, and sweet tea!

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10 point

Well-Known Member
Uh in a democracy, yes it is! I'm so tired of the guilt trip, feel bad for them because they're whining about this and that! This mentality you have is the same :censored2: that got the UAW in their mess, where are their members now? Sitting at home wishing they weren't one of the many reasons GM and Chrysler tanked...part of negotiating is also conceding things...in the words of the great Mick Jagger "You can't always get what you want, but if you trey sometimes you get what you need!" And since when is it about JUST the locals that are holding out? How about the locals that want to move on? No one, but maybe a handful of PTers, care about the raise (my $30/hr suits me fine), but you can't say that the contract we are under is ACTUALLY worth staying under?!? So what, you might have to start paying a healthcare premium, welcome to America buddy...they're all doing it now! All I keep seeing is how we should all support the holdout and there is zero justification for why! If so many didn't care for the national masters, why was it passed? But once again I'm sure you'll get on your soap box and start ranting and raving about how horrible this new contract is, and how we should all go on strike, and how anyone who doesn't support a strike or believe this holdout is worth a damn isn't really a Teamster...yeah yeah yeah same song and dance!

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The National passed because two of the large regions got to vote on TeamCare and they weren't going to have it for their plan.

It'll be over when it's over.
We are waiting! I mean you don't want to explain why you vote no (not saying you have to) but yet tell us we don't know what we're talking about! So tell us what we're talking about! I'm not a stupid man and I know when I'm being taken for a ride...this isn't one of those times! Oh and down here we don't know what chowder is...it's more about grits, pulled BBQ, and sweet tea!

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The reason I am voting NO Is. our pensionis only 47% funded....they owe us tons of....fulltime jobs....and nobody wants to address this...or our many other problems! thats why we are pissed!...so I say.....friend no....understand???????

10 point

Well-Known Member
You guys are smoking good stuff. This was not an authorization to strike vote because it failed. Secondly, there is no way the IBT approves a strike, after the indefinite agreement was made, that has not been vacated by either side. Third, you are on drugs if you think 2/3rds of the voting teamsters are going to approve a strike because 3 supplements aren't passed. The best thing that can happen for 89, and the remaining is there will be no strike vote, because it will fail. When that happens, the company has them by the balls.

I understand the frustration, but there has to be a sense of logic somewhere. There are thousands of teamsters waiting, and thousands that have no intention on walking the line.
I think there's confusion about striking outside of the local(s) that vote for a strike from what I'm reading?

10 point

Well-Known Member
The reason I am voting NO Is. our pensionis only 47% funded....they owe us tons of....fulltime jobs....and nobody wants to address this...or our many other problems! thats why we are pissed!...so I say.....friend no....understand???????
Don't bother explaining brother. Its not worth the effort.
The 89 issues belong to 89 and that management poster won't be striking anyway.


Well-Known Member
The reason I am voting NO Is. our pensionis only 47% funded....they owe us tons of....fulltime jobs....and nobody wants to address this...or our many other problems! thats why we are pissed!...so I say.....friend no....understand???????
"they owe us tons of....fulltime jobs"
You'd need to double your FT jobs to even dent that 47%. Your fund has some major issues.