Marne Vet
Well-Known Member
if we. (UPS) "so called, ruined Xmas" What do our customers, think about us on Valentine's day?? The entire east coast from, Georgia to New blasted with snow and ice. How do you think the public, is going to trust us the rest of the year? UPS can not control the weather! But we didnt need another black eye.....this soon ,after peak! What do you think??
Hold on, FedEx is at the door with a big box of "I really don't care what the public thinks". "We", didn't screw-up Christmas or Valentines Day. We're just pawns in brown uniforms doing what the clowns in ties tell us to. Don't worry about Mrs Smith down the street not getting her chocolate for Valentine's Day. They'll get there sooner or later, and guess what? She might be mad that she couldn't ride the chocolate boner on the 14th, and bitch and moan on the UPS Facebook page, but next week when she sees a ring on sale on Amazon she'll be ordering through our company again, and so goes the crappy cycle of a life within the delivery world. I have more important stuff to worry about, like if I have enough toilet paper upstairs for my next big movement.