Time for change
Well-Known Member
You're kind of oblivious, to what an insult that really was.
I don't hate anyone. What I don't like is....
I've not read one of your post's, that doesn't include a racist insult.
In fact, I can't recall you saying anything.... that would lead me to believe that
you even work at UPS. You come across as a BLM, ANTIFA, socialist, anti-Union,
bitter little troll. Your whole "personal story", is like a perfect storm.
You don't want to pay dues and be a Union member ? Fine.
You won't be missed. Trying to recruit others.... just demonstrates your agenda.
And you have been a member of this forum, for a whole 4 months.
Oh look.... someone else jumping on the bandwagon.
That takes a lot of guts.
@Time for change has an online friend.
You have a long history of grammatical errors, so yes, hard to know when you’re trying to be funny or just your typical dumb, union goon self. As far as antifa and socialist...that’s funny stuff. I lean Republican and my husband was a military man, you just want to keep me on the “plantation”. I’ve denounced socialism right on this forum. As far as racist, I live in a primarily white community and almost all my friends are white. Doesn’t mean I won’t call out the dumb, fat racist ones like yourself.