Strength through joy
The Village Idiot shows up.
Do you want a Congress or absolute powers given to the POTUS?
I fail to understand your pov
The Village Idiot shows up.
Do you want a Congress or absolute powers given to the POTUS?
The Village Idiot shows up.
Learn that from boss, did ya? Fling the insults, just like him.
The Iraqis most certainly did fire on our planes and we don't benefit from their oil much if it all. Regardless.....the past four years (really a few years farther back if you include a liberal controlled congress) are on the socialist machine's watch....not Bush's.
The Iraqis did not fire on our planes, and even if they had we could have simply destroyed their anti-aircraft weapons and radar systems with cruise missiles rather than invading the entire country and killing a quarter of a million of their people.
The Iraq war is one of the main reasons our economy is in a shambles. Bush the idiot told us all to go on vacation and spend money at the mall while we borrowed billions upon billions of dollars in order to send our kids off to die in a needless war. The fact that Congress happened to be controlled by Democrats at that time is irrelevant. The Senate was held by a Republican majority, and Bush the idiot Republican was the President and the Commander In Chief of our armed forces. The decision to go to war was ultimately his to make. Blaming a "spendthrift liberal Congress" for our nations fiscal woes conveniently overlooks the fact that the bills they generated were signed into law by Bush the idiot. While there are any number of valid criticisms one can make of Obama, the fact remains that when he took office the damage had already been done by the idiot who was there before him.
So, forget about $10 T.......what about the $6 T Obama added to it ????Idiot Bush drove our nation to the brink of bankruptcy and international contempt.
The kind of damage he inflicted upon us cannot be magically erased in 4 years, by any President.
I am certainly not the biggest Obama fan, but it isnt fair or honest to judge the man without first taking into account the mess he inherited from his predecessor, who was by many orders of magnitude the most incompetent individual to ever hold the office.
Idiot Bush drove our nation to the brink of bankruptcy and international contempt.
The kind of damage he inflicted upon us cannot be magically erased in 4 years, by any President.
I am certainly not the biggest Obama fan, but it isn't fair or honest to judge the man without first taking into account the mess he inherited from his predecessor, who was by many orders of magnitude the most incompetent individual to ever hold the office.
So, forget about $10 T.......what about the $6 T Obama added to it ????
Learn that from boss, did ya? Fling the insults, just like him.
Iraq did fire on our planes! It's a fact:
Iraqi no-fly zones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
...but we all know how liberals respond to facts point in beating that dead horse any longer. Bush hasn't been president for the past four years. Obama has. Republicans haven't controlled Congress for the majority of the past 5 years. Liberals have. But again....those are just more facts and mean nothing to some on the left. Bush isn't running for reelection. Obama is. So you liberals need to wake up and hold him accountable and not a president that has been out of the game for four years.
Too bad we have a person at the top of our country that whines, complains, and blames instead of being a leader that will man up and do the job. Stop being a little *****.
Too bad for you that he's going to have the job for 4 more years because the GOP selected an abject maroon for a candidate.