balland chain
Well-Known Member
In 1997, UPS was offering the same amount of full-time jobs Hall is selling us out for today, 2350.
In 1997, the starting wage at UPS was $8.00 an hour. After the strike it went up just .50 cents.
Today, part-time workers (67% of the total UPS work force) are poorer than they were in 1997.
Today, 140,000 UPSers will pay a heavy price when we get merged into that garbage healthplan a.k.a. TEAMCARE.
140,000 UPSers will go from paying $0 in deductibles to $400. They will also go from paying $5 on prescription medication to; $50 for that same prescription if this garbage is ratified.
Retirees in the areas covering those 140,000 UPSers currently pay $50 a month for a company provided superior healthcare; if this TA passes they will pay $300 per month.
Right now and more than ever there is a need to vote NO!
I really wish all the persons who voted yes (including the driver that delivers to me) would open their eyes and READ.. I had a delivery yesterday, I spoke to the driver and asked his opinion on the contract. He said well I hope it passes.. I said " do you realized if this passes, drivers who are injured like me, and are unable to do their job, will no longer be able to seek a settlement from the company, and be offered a part time job if available, and work that job, and if your lucky enough to recover, IF your prior job is available you can have it back, you have 3 years to become well enough to do your former job." His response was , wow I never heard that. I said well, I was at the union meeting, and if you would open the proposed agreement that was enclosed with your ballot and turn to pages 4 & 5, you too can read this. He had nothing else to say.
One of the biggest problems we have is uninformed voters. Yes you have every right to vote the way you want to, however, if you are voting yes please state your reasons for doing so.. And worrying about missing a pay check does not qualify.. They have plenty of time to give us a BETTER contract. There is nothing in the TA that would make me vote yes.. Reasons for NO, 1) stated above, 2) healthcare , 3) lack of equality in the pension plan, 4)Retirees healthcare, specifically cost of. I have a horrible feeling this will pass, I pray it does not.
We have given our lives and bodies to this company, so the Corporate elite can become even richer.. Management has not and never will treat us with dignity and respect like the signs posted thru out the building say they will. Management will continue to harass drivers for petty infractions, with their ultimate goal being termination. Oh, yes my BA stated things are going to change and management will no longer harass us like they have been.. Please, I have been there 26 years, and unless you are a kiss-ass, you will at sometime be pulled into the office and grilled by the management team.
Another reason, and I will stop, Look at the par timers and what they do, and how much (LITTLE) they are paid. Their pay has been flat for almost 14 years. Us full timers need to remember the days when we were part timers and stand up for them, it is the right thing to do. !