If You're a Teamster, WHY Would You Vote Republican?

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PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Just because I'm a ups driver, doesn't mean my wife can't be successful?

Not all of us are dumb truck drivers.

Just you apparently. You think that just because you have your lot in life, that others don't have more even if they work at ups like you doing the same job?
No disrespect, but I know how crazy the job can be with weather and terrible dispatches driving junk trucks, and long hours that if my wife made $500K a year I am not sure I would stay. Take a cut in pay and drive for FedEx for a hobby.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
No disrespect, but I know how crazy the job can be with weather and terrible dispatches driving junk trucks, and long hours that if my wife made $500K a year I am not sure I would stay. Take a cut in pay and drive for FedEx for a hobby.
I don't do it for me anymore. It's for my kids futures. I put my check each week in funds for their future.

We are a team and have a plan. I wouldn't feel right asking my wife to be the sole provider. I like to contribute. When she went through school, I supported her and her dreams with my ups job. And I've always been one to work ever since 14 years old. I have to stay busy. And since I've put so much time at ups, don't want to walk away from that.

When it's time, I will on our terms and plans.

I actually thought your post was disrespectful so I took it I that manner. My apologies if I was rude to you for thinking you were being rude too. If my responses were mean, I apologize.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
It always amazes me how many Teamsters are Republicans. It is GOP 101 that unions are bad, and that they are administered and run by thugs and the Mafia. This is a basic tenet of their platform, although they hate public sector unions even more than private sector unions.

Trump hasn't really said anything about unions, but one has to assume that he is anti-union, because he is a Republican. That's basic logic, and for The Donald to come out as pro-union would be the death of his candidacy.

Compared to us over here at FedEx, you enjoy a real retirement plan, almost double our compensation, and a slew of worker protections (like Weingarten Rights) that we can only dream of.

Please explain how you can be a Teamster, and also be pro-Trump, which basically means voting against your own self interests.
Didn't Clinton sign NAFTA, sending so many good jobs out of the country?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Sure. At UPS, Jim Casey invited The Teamsters in. If you don't believe me, check your UPS history. My balls might be as big as basketballs, and my co-workers might be even bigger, but the GOP has helped Mr. Smith create an essentially union-proof company. That's what 1% GOP types do, and how they believe...in RTW, low wages, crap benefits, and big profits...for them.

Sorry you are so happy to sell-out your fellow Teamsters.
And you still have no idea what a 1% person is.