Well-Known Member
I did enjoy it and would vote for you over obama
Hopefully your godless and do not have any reverends in the closet?

I did enjoy it and would vote for you over obama
Hopefully your godless and do not have any reverends in the closet?
I agree Tie. Social Security is a scared cow for both parties so I just don't see much happening and now with Boomers, of which I am a proud one, hit the retirement bricks and make up a huge voting block, the last thing the political class want to do is alienate that voting block.
I think they've fed that dog so much he's about ready to stop eating altogether.
Look, Jon Stewart had a bit of fun with McCain's acceptance speech when he played portions and then played Bush 2000' speech and they were word for word. My guess is every campaign re-cycles stuff from previous campaigns as they really have nothing new so in the case of Obama, he just pulled out the play book of let's see, Kerry? No! Maybe Gore? Nope not it. Ah it was Clinton 1? Nope. Hmmmmm! When did a republican really speak out against interventionism with conviction? Hmmm! Oh I know, they pulled out the Truman years in regards to Sen. Robert Taft but the republicans opposed Taft's non-intervention ideas too. Oh wait, the democrats got this old dog from the republicans! Opps! I'm sorry, that's demonrats and republicons!
Which indirectly brings up a valid point that has to be considered in this election the affect of the media on this race. This one is proving interesting because for once the liberal media has a candidate they love and they are slanting heavily in favor of Obama. Your example of Jon Stewarts routine on McCains speech is just another of many examples. I'm sure someone as creative as Jon could do some terrific stuff mocking Obama but for some reason the desire or creativity does not seem to be intense when it comes time to do so.
Until the convention McCains only hope at acquiring media coverage was often to piss off Obama enough where Obama would actually mention his opponent by name.
So along with Palin adding some excitement what will also be interesting to see is whether the media can actually now organize its efforts and actually get their candidate elected. It could set an interesting precedence for the future. An imbalance of power for sure after all the poor republicans only have the fox network willing to give a balanced report on the news.
We are sadly headed down a road where the media will now become the fourth arm in the seperation of powers. If it controls the ability to get the executive and legislative leaders elected then it runs the country.
Then take the conservatives dissasociation with the election since they do not have a true conservative running.
The libertarians still talk the the good talk but also appear to be aligning theirselves with the liberal democrats , god knows for what reason.
And the trend with all appears to be the glorious day someday when we can all enjoy a liberal society where we are forced to watch the gays have sex in the streets and can get locked up for life if we object.
I do not sleep easy these days thinking of obama in the white house and pelosi running congress.
I'll probably have to turn gay or engage in bestiality just to get a tax write off.
meanwhile my fine scholared friends on this board rant on interventionism or on the ills of our foriegn policies or on some other intellectual criticism that stimulates your minds while the stench of the toilet we are soon to be flushed down gets stronger.
My god, did you post a long indigenous rant.....Is Wkmac rubbing off on you?
My god, did you post a long indigenous rant.....Is Wkmac rubbing off on you?
I've heard this so much I look forward to the day they finally go ahead and do it. Maybe then America will wake up to the welfare/warfare state and be done with it!
Social Security is a scam and has been from day one. The sooner it dies it's death the better IMO and not but a few years away myself from being able to draw from it so I'm more than happy to give up my own self interests here. I've planned for it anyway.
Raise the age or do whatever it takes to implode it but I just want to see it gone completely to save my children and grandchildren from being burdened by this statist ponsi scheme!
BTW: McCain and Obama both suk to high heaven!!!!!!
Take no offense but with a lot of your very very conservative views of the country I have to believe you live in a cave somewhere.
Not Wasilla by chance or Montana next to where the Unibomber once lived?
With a lot of your replys I seem to believe you don't even work but live in very very remote area living off the land like animals do jeolous of the liberals except the one spending it on a war that was a lie!
I almost would bet you live on a very small farm somewhere!
Am I getting closer?
At least I would be able to understand your rationale!
Sarah is going to implode The Veterans Administration and I am sure you will be happy to see that happen!
Wassilllia will pay for prostetics or you can crawl on the bridge to nowhere because that would be your fate serving this country!
I'll let Wkmac fight his own battles but I'm kind of surprised that you read him that way. I'm not sure that you have read his perspective correctly. If you have then I'm way out in left field.
Tie, most people who don't work don't want to pay for anything. For the norm they complain that they are broke because the government is taking it all alway from them. They seem to migrate far far away!
Why would the government be taking money from them if they don't work and don't earn any?
I read him this way regarding imploding social security. I don't understand the problem with it. There needs to be reform to continue especiallly with healthcare . The old took care of the young when they were young and now its our turn to take care of the old. It is nice knowing that if all your investments fail in your life and you work hard that social security will at least feed you when you are old if you paid into it. It is very offensive to many seniors who worked their whole life and now people want to IMPLODE it or just get rid of it?
While conservative I do recognize the need for some type of social security as a safety net. I strongly believe in the spirit of individual achievment and effort but also recognize that some people will need help through no fault of their own.
Social security however is about the worst possible retirement investment plan available. Many believe it will not be around when they retire and therefore do not want to sink their hard earned money into a sinking ship. Social security has been a terrific make work beaurocracy that waste money. Created a lot of minimum wage democratic voting clerical jobs. Did you know that the employees at social security do not draw social security and have a potable retirement plan. I wonder what they know that we do not.
Tie, most people who don't work don't want to pay for anything. For the norm they complain that they are broke because the government is taking it all alway from them. They seem to migrate far far away!
Why would the government be taking money from them if they don't work and don't earn any?
Tie, you know them all too well. Ups employs lots of them who don't work or at least not very hard always complaining that they are not paid enough!
The same group complains that if they work too many hours they will bring home less even though they are in the same tax bracket!
Brilliant and true! Where is the baby Bush been? I haven't seen his little beaty little eyes lately.![]()
I disagree...Obama has attracted more Independent voters than both Hillary and McCain. And as long as McCain aligns himself with Bush and the Democrats remain spineless in Congress, the Independents are going to stay independents or stay home and twiddle their thumbs blaming both parties for failed partisan politics and saying "see, I told you so"
Hillary's top fundraiser Lynn Forester de Rothchild just came out in support for John McCain today. She said that after looking at the four candidates she feels that John McCain and Sarah Palin have more experience and are more qualified than the other two to get us out of the mess we are in today. She went so far as to say that OBummer was arrogant and out of touch. These are my sentiments but her words! Fox news - " Your World With Neil Cavuto"
Apparently she is voting Republican! (and campaigning as well!)
How 'bout them thar apples Dies!
"I'm sure Obama will lose a lot of sleep over this. I know he was craving the endorsement."![]()
"Maybe now she and Cindy McCain can go shopping together and buy jewels at Cartier and be all like, "Ooh girl, that gem looks so good on your earlobe!" or whatever it is stupid rich old ladies do all day."......And Obama is the elitist![]()
Lifer, do you even know what an elitist is? Members of the lucky sperm club who's been giving everything in life "paid in full" accusing those who scratched and clawed and came from obscurity as an elitists.I am just curious Dies,
So where is Michelle at? She hasn't been seen or heard from. Talk about elitist! Oh... I know she is being a mommy right?
Here she has a high-falutin edjeecation from one o them thar I V league scools and some moose hunter upstages her! Bet she is steamin!!!
I even noticed Michelle wasn't with Obama at the 9/11 thing in NY. That was odd IMO because I would think that is good PR time and especially since McCain had his wife were there together.
Don't know who called that shot but I think from a PR standpoint it was dumb and a race this close, it's gonna come down to the PR guys anyway.
I think Michelle is home pouting because B.O. is going to arrange for Biden to drop out sick and then ask Hillary to step in and together they will sweep the election. Michelle hates Hillary almost as much as she hates Oprah.
The preceding was an Obama dream sequence and not approved by moreluck.
You know, come to think of it, I don't believe any of us ever seen Ron Paul, Bob Barr or Ralph Nader's wife come to think of it, Do they exist?