we definitely know how shoot ourselves in the foot
Just "Who" do YOU think "WE" is??
This Syrian problem didnt start with president Obama.
The Syrian problem begins and ends with ISRAEL and George W. Bush and the republicans in the senate (Lindsay Graham and John McCain)
Israel, because it cant keep its mouth shut, or stay off of lands they dont own, came to Bush and asked them to destablize and overthrow the Syrian goverment of President Asaad. Because the Syrian government is Shia, the Iranians are close partners with Syria, so by ARMING and encouraging the SUNNI populations in Syria to overthrow the Asaad Regime, the hope was to create a new government, one run by SUNNIS, who the Iranians HATE, and create a more friendly environment for the Jews.
The Jews claim that Iran provides Syria with the short range crappy rockets that get fired into Israel daily and that the Asaad regime sponsors terrrorism. It needed the USA to destabilize Syria so they could keep their hands clean. President Bush agreed, and McCain and Graham stepped in to provide arms to what they coined as "moderate rebels" in Syria, who today are a giant part of ISIS armed with billions of dollars in american made weapons.
"WE" the USA , should have NEVER ventured into this situation. IF Israel wants to nation build, then it needs to do it by itself. IF they get blown off the face of the earth, in the process, then so be it.
"WE" shouldnt be doing the bidding of the jews in the first place.
Today we are spending billions of dollars trying to clean this mess up and it will hit trillions by the time it is finished. The further cost of this misadventure is the deaths of our ambassador and support staff in Libya, as McCain/Grahams secret gun running scheme was discovered in Libya.
This country does know how to shoot itself in the foot, first Afghanistan, the Iraq and now Syria.
All the creations of george w. bush and the Project for the new American Century.
They wouldnt have it any other way, except, it isnt working out the way they planned.