It would cost this country tens of billions of dollars to find a FRACTION of those hiding in this country. The manpower alone would make any program like that a complete waste of money. It would have to be cost effective, and when you consider that the government would have NO IDEA where these people are hiding it would be like looking for a needle in a hay stack.
The suggestion that deportation would solve the problems are laughable at best.
Each year, these numbers will continue to rise, 81% of the immigration problem will be maintained each and every year.
As long as guest workers are allowed into this country and then disappear, then you better get used to paying for them.
As long as foreign students are allowed to attend our big colleges and then disappear, then you better get used to paying for them.
As long as tourists are allowed to come to this country visit disneyland and then disappear, then you better get used to paying for them.
Tough talk is useless. Suggesting that a GIANT Wall will solve the problem is just more of the same useless talk.
Israel has a great giant wall and its an eyesore, its defaced and decaying. But the real issue, is even with this giant wall, its not keeping out terrorists.
Hows that working out for israel?