

Well-Known Member
ill tell u what its not. its not up for debate.

look up howard zinn, chomsky, idk.

1 of the reasons they did not kill them all is maybe bc its immoral??? maybe it costs $$$?
Most of them died from disease Ricky. And you're saying it was moral to kill most of them but immoral to kill all of them? Seriously? It was warfare. A more technologically superior group, eventually a more numerically superior group displaced them. Has happened all over the world since the beginning.


Well-Known Member
Most of them died from disease Ricky. And you're saying it was moral to kill most of them but immoral to kill all of them? Seriously? It was warfare. A more technologically superior group, eventually a more numerically superior group displaced them. Has happened all over the world since the beginning.

You’ll just roll over like a bitch when the aliens land?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Nice Photoshop.
Is an ‘Obama Don’t Separate Me From My Mommy’ Protest Sign Real?
A photograph showing protesters holding a sign is real, but the sign is referring to separations due to the deportation of family members in the United States rather than forcibly separating families at the border.

Snopes is showing it's true colors on this picture.
Snopes tries to cover for Obama by deflecting the reality that Obama separated members of a family long before Trump.


Well-Known Member
Is an ‘Obama Don’t Separate Me From My Mommy’ Protest Sign Real?
A photograph showing protesters holding a sign is real, but the sign is referring to separations due to the deportation of family members in the United States rather than forcibly separating families at the border.

Snopes is showing it's true colors on this picture.
Snopes tries to cover for Obama by deflecting the reality that Obama separated members of a family long before Trump.
I thought Obama was for open borders?:happy2:


Retired 23 years
sounds like reagan is in favor of open immigration between mexico and us. im in favor of this between developed countries, not sure about less developed and developed but probably yes; never heard any guy talk about it specifically.

i can say immigration laws have ruined my life bc i wuda left here for EU or australia years ago. being born in a country or having relatives who were is a dumb reason to let ppl stay.

im sure its a capitalist conspiracy to take advantage of workers

What?---and move out of that cushy basement bedroom?


Well-Known Member
And just about every tribe was fighting with another tribe over land. And they were firm believers in slavery of those they captured -----if they didn't execute them. Read a book on the Indian Wars. They weren't the peaceful Pilgrim loving tear in the eye because of pollution race they are made out to be.
They were more peaceful than the white European Invaders.


Well-Known Member
It's a label ... not a description.

TTKU :alien2:


It's a 'label', but it's not a 'description'?

More importantly, it's not anyone's 'policy', 'label', or 'description'.

Pray tell, who is actually for 'open borders'?

Don't bother, the answer is no one.

So, when you talk about 'label's, what you mean is 'fake news', as in falsely labeling Dems as supporting open borders.

What does that even mean, 'open borders'?

Fakey talking points by terrified Repubs.

The 'Browning' of the country proceeds apace, no matter Gerrymandering, no matter voter suppression.

If Dems had a good platform, they'd get more votes and more voter turnout.

If Repubs had a good platform, they wouldn't need to restrict the votes they actually get to the old/white/xenophobic put it another way, they wouldn't need to suppress voters at every turn.

All these 80 year old white dudes won't last forever...


Well-Known Member
And just about every tribe was fighting with another tribe over land. And they were firm believers in slavery of those they captured -----if they didn't execute them. Read a book on the Indian Wars. They weren't the peaceful Pilgrim loving tear in the eye because of pollution race they are made out to be.
ok im not an expert nut u have to consider ur sources are bad as well

our society is awash in lies


Well-Known Member
Alternative facts. You have no facts of what the Native Americans did before Europeans invaded this continent.
Why did the Crow serve as Army scouts against the Sioux and Cheyenne? What was the purpose of the Cheyenne's Dog Soldiers?Why did the Iroquois side with the British against the French? What was the difference between the Red Stick and the White Stick Creek? The list is endless. Being a warrior was a major part of a male's identity in most tribes. The plains nomadic tribes painted a symbolic history of warfare on their tipis long before the White man showed up. To say they only did this or that after the Whites came is to show your bias against Whites, not what actually was the case.