
Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
the fact that you even have to ask....pitiful!!
I talk to myself all the time !! you arent' alone!!

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
I know I'm lucky to have been born in the USA. I also think we have the best country in the world (except for a few politicians). Which is why I will never leave the USA....not even for an experiment. I know when I've got it good.

My grandparents were immigrants.....they came and got citizenship papers and learned the language....broken as it was.

If people want to better themselves, that's admirable, but they have to do it legally. I can't understand how people come in illegally and then start getting all kinds of assistance from the gov't. It's not right.

I knew a kid from Mexico who came here with a working permit (visa) of some sort and he would send the bulk of his paycheck back home to his parents. He was one of the hardest workers I've ever seen......but he did it legally.

I know Americans are not heartless's the "illegal" part that we have a problem with. When 800 people have studied hard and done all the paperwork and they get sworn in as a citizen.....they must wonder how others walk in for "free".

It's the jobs that are very very low paying and not desired by you and me. But ''WAIT from hundreds of University - collages and training centers the young USA citizen are ready to take those position of works !! Trump used a lot of them in his builds . it's about the $$$, So who is doing those job today, the illegal or the immigrants !
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Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American

It's the jobs that are very very low paying and not desired by you and me. But ''WAIT from hundreds of University - collages and training centers the young USA citizen are ready to take those position of works !! Trump used a lot of them in his builds . it's about the $$$, So who is doing those job today, the illegal or the immigrants !
Instead of employing illegals, how about placing our unemployed citizens in those jobs, and instead of welfare, give them supplemental income to bring them up to a livable wage. Even if they have to be displaced to where they’re needed.
If they decline, then cut them off from all entitlement programs. Starvation is an excellent incentive.
Only those physically unable to work should qualify for assistance.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage

It's the jobs that are very very low paying and not desired by you and me. But ''WAIT from hundreds of University - collages and training centers the young USA citizen are ready to take those position of works !! Trump used a lot of them in his builds . it's about the $$$, So who is doing those job today, the illegal or the immigrants !
Not our fault these students choose to major in Black Studies and history.

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
Not our fault these students choose to major in Black Studies and history.
If schools were entirely segregated by race, they would in turn be segregated by IQ and therefore student would be on the same level as most of their classmates and would actually have a chance of succeeding!