

golden ticket member
tos, So you are hung up by gay people? You want to control when they come out ??
Hey, it's an individual decision by each individual. You don't get to decide when & how & where !!.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
140741_600.jpg it luck


Inordinately Right
While I find it pretty disrespectful and definitely in bad taste, it's also in bad taste to cut up someone else's property and then throw their native country's flag on the ground in front of them. Not to mention he stole their American flag.

Chances are they were just ignorant that they were doing anything wrong. They were standing there like "this guy is crazy". I know that's what I was thinking. Pretty funny video. It's also pretty funny that he made the rounds on Fox News back in 2007 when this happened. Must have been a slow news week.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

You are aware of the immigration laws in effect in 1888, aren't you?

L.Neil Smith did actually appear on the Libertarian presidential ballot in AZ in 2000, before even the crazy Arizonians booted him off, so you have that going for you. Nice rack to hang your hat on ;)