
Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
It was bush that opened the flood gates to have illegals flock to the U.S. One reason was to force down american wages wish he succeeded at. Another was for contractors to hire cheap illegal labor to build houses.
Yeah there was no illegal immigration before Bush "opened the floodgates." They weren't already flocking here before he did....whatever you claim he did. LOL! Now thats funny.


Inordinately Right
Then why didn't he change them? Oh, right, he didn't want to.

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.
Exactly, neither party really wants to tackle immigration.... And people keep voting for these two parties. So therefore, people don't really want to change the immigration policies. We have the system we have because that's what people keep voting for.


Strength through joy
Let's all support Governor Brown open door policy for California to all illegals .
Make it mandatory that they settle there .
Load up all the cities with mountains of debt , crime , and gangs .
Then change the state's name to Wasteland .


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
Obama says illegal immigrants shouldn't have to look over their shoulder.

Yes they should...they are here illegally !!!

Do you like paying low prices for produce?

Would you be willing to pay up to 10 times more to ensure it was planted and harvested by US citizens?

Undocumented workers do the jobs that are "below us" yet we reap the benefits at the grocery store.


golden ticket member
So it's ok by your standards to break the law. Is that like "a little bit pregnant? No one has the right to break laws....those that do are called criminals.

Try going to another country,,,,say Mexico....and demand that they take care of you, give you money, a job, medical care,....they'd throw your butt out. We are warm & fuzzy oriented so we become suckers and patsys!!


Well-Known Member
You have never broken the law? Turned right on red where it wasn't legal? Exceeded the speed limit? Used the HOV lane when driving alone? Used the express lane at the grocery with two transactions of 10 rather than using the regular checkout for your 20 items? Cheated on your taxes?

If there were no market for undocumented workers they wouldn't be here.


Inordinately Right
So it's ok by your standards to break the law. Is that like "a little bit pregnant? No one has the right to break laws....those that do are called criminals.
I'd say disobeying unjust laws is a big part of what it means to be American. If you thought a little bit more about our history, you might agree.


golden ticket member
Oh no, he broke his promise!! Another talking point of fox news. Got anything else to share from todays programming??

Why not get your facts straight? Oh wait, you cant, you listen to greg gutfeld as if he was the great information guru.

I watched all the cooking shows today on ch Fox on here all day long. I don't like any of their Sat or Sun programming. What is your obsession with Fox the hots for Gutfeld?


Well-Known Member
I watched all the cooking shows today on ch Fox on here all day long. I don't like any of their Sat or Sun programming. What is your obsession with Fox the hots for Gutfeld?

He listens because, in his own words, "only idiots tune in to that station".
If A equals B, and B equals C, then A equals C.
TOS listens to FOX
He says listeners are idiots- therefore............