Indiana-Is a great place to be a bigot....


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
No wonder Pence didn't want the signing ceremony done in public, or that Pence refused to identify these guys to the press when the photo became public.Republicans lie. It's a fact. Republicans lie about people to get ahead. republicans lie about policy to get votes. Republicans are a pack of liars. Republicans are dangerous, malicious liars. They can never be trusted. Republicans are despicable.


Engorged Member
No wonder Pence didn't want the signing ceremony done in public, or that Pence refused to identify these guys to the press when the photo became public.Republicans lie. It's a fact. Republicans lie about people to get ahead. republicans lie about policy to get votes. Republicans are a pack of liars. Republicans are dangerous, malicious liars. They can never be trusted. Republicans are despicable.

If you look at this picture under a black light, there's an image of Satan saying that homosexuality is a sin and that he is 100% Republican...right down to his forked tail.


Inordinately Right
I'm pretty sure that 'freedom of religion' is protected.

So what is the legitimate point of this bill?

Somebody lay it out for me.
This is what I tried to explain to brownie and av8tr.
The law serves no purpose except to pander to a base that just lost the fight against gay marriage. I don't really think this law will allow discrimination, anymore than Indiana's current constitution already did. It's all for show.


Well-Known Member
This is what I tried to explain to brownie and av8tr.
The law serves no purpose except to pander to a base that just lost the fight against gay marriage. I don't really think this law will allow discrimination, anymore than Indiana's current constitution already did. It's all for show.

I hear you.

Anyone else?

What is the actual purpose of the law?


Well-Known Member
This is what I tried to explain to brownie and av8tr.
The law serves no purpose except to pander to a base that just lost the fight against gay marriage. I don't really think this law will allow discrimination, anymore than Indiana's current constitution already did. It's all for show.



Well-Known Member
I'd call it 50/50, in terms of the superfluousness of laws, generally speaking.

But, what makes this particular law legit?

If you won't tell me (and I'm genuinely curious), can anyone else tell me what the purpose of this law is?

50/50? Really? That sounds awfully low.

If you want to read about businesses being sued over these things I'd suggest a simple Google search.


Well-Known Member
50/50? Really? That sounds awfully low.

If you want to read about businesses being sued over these things I'd suggest a simple Google search.

I wasn't asking about businesses being sued over 'these things'...

Is that what this law is about?

This isn't a trick, I'm simply asking someone to explain to me what the purpose of this law is.

Is it about businesses being sued?

If that's the case, tell me about it. In all seriousness, someone school me about this law.

Yes, yes, I've done the 'google'.

I want someone on this forum to explain to me in simple terms what this law is and why it's necessary.


Retired 23 years
A private business should have the right to cater to whomever they want to. If it hurts their business - so be it but they shouldn't be forced to sell to groups or individuals they don't share beliefs with. Government run stuff is a whole different story.


Inordinately Right
A private business should have the right to cater to whomever they want to. If it hurts their business - so be it but they shouldn't be forced to sell to groups or individuals they don't share beliefs with. Government run stuff is a whole different story.
Maybe you're right but that's not what this law is about.
There's a difference between not being forced to sell to people of different beliefs, and not being forced to sell to people if it would violate your own beliefs. This law is about the latter, it's a much narrower implication.


Well-Known Member
A private business should have the right to cater to whomever they want to. If it hurts their business - so be it but they shouldn't be forced to sell to groups or individuals they don't share beliefs with. Government run stuff is a whole different story.
So a business should be free to discriminate anyone based on their " religious beliefs"?


Well-Known Member
When ‘Religious Liberty’ Was Used To Justify Racism Instead Of Homophobia
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“Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.”
— Judge Leon M. Bazile, January 6, 1959


Strength through joy
“The law reestablished a balancing test for courts to apply in religious liberty cases (a standard had been used by the Supreme Court for decades).
Religious Freedom Restoration Act allows a person’s free exercise of religion to be ‘substantially burdened’ by a law only if the law furthers a ‘compelling governmental interest’ in the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest.’”

Indiana is not alone in enacting protective legislation. Thirty-one states already have heightened protection for the exercise of religion.
Eighteen of those states have laws based in the 1993 RFRA, and the protections in an additional 13 states came through court rulings.

University of Virginia law professor Douglas Laycock explained, “There were cases about Amish buggies, hunting moose for native Alaskan funeral rituals, an attempt to take a church building by eminent domain, landmark laws that prohibited churches from modifying their buildings – all sorts of diverse conflicts between religious practice and pervasive regulation.”


Well-Known Member
A private business should have the right to cater to whomever they want to. If it hurts their business - so be it but they shouldn't be forced to sell to groups or individuals they don't share beliefs with. Government run stuff is a whole different story.

I don't know about that.

So *Patel or *Singh can refuse to sell me a slurpee because I'm not a Hindu/Zoastrian?