

nowhere special
Obama could have negotiated a perfect agreement in every way, and all of you people would still be criticizing it. Is Iran to be trusted? No, and if they break the agreement, the sanctions are re-applied and the US and Israel will go to town on them.

Whether you like Iran or not, they are an independent country, and not subject to US or Israeli law(s). What don't you understand about that fact?

What does you people have to do with anything? It is Iran who accused Obama of lying.


Strength through joy
Iran has openly said they wanted Israel gone.
obama has openly displayed that he too wants Israel gone .
So if Iran gets a nuke , who going to stop them ?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
When the students revolted; why didn't we support them?
1. They probably didn't want our support

2. Short of dropping bombs or invading, there is very little we could have done to support them. Its not like we have much influence with their leaders. Unfortunately, its their fight not ours.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Iran has openly said they wanted Israel gone.
obama has openly displayed that he too wants Israel gone .
So if Iran gets a nuke , who going to stop them ?
Ever read anything about Benjamin Netanyahu?

That guy is seriously bad ass. He was a member of the Sayaret Maktal, the Israeli version of our Special Forces. He has fought in wars and killed people. Has a bullet hole in his shoulder from a gun battle with Black September terrorists during the rescue of Israeli hostages from a hijacked plane in 1972. His brother Jonathan was also a commando who was shot and killed by PLO terrorists during the rescue of Israeli hostages in Entebbe, Uganda in 1976. For Netanyahu, violence and terrorism are not abstractions. Do you seriously think that as Prime Minister he is going to sit and do nothing if Iran gets a nuclear weapon? And do you seriously think that, when push comes to shove, he is going to give a damn what the US government thinks?


Well-Known Member
Ever read anything about Benjamin Netanyahu?

That guy is seriously bad ass....

I appreciate your appreciation for Netanyahu, however...

This guy loves any war (current, past, potential future) where the US defends Israel.

Netanyahu has never met a US led war that he didn't like.

If it was up to him, the US would be invading Iran right now.

Where does it end?

When does Israel put on their big-boy pants?

When does Israel realize that we can't fix their self-made problems?


Staff member
I don't think Israeli toughness should be questioned here. But they should realize that the US interests (including the security of Israel) are better served negotiating than with another mideast war.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I appreciate your appreciation for Netanyahu, however...

This guy loves any war (current, past, potential future) where the US defends Israel.

Netanyahu has never met a US led war that he didn't like.

If it was up to him, the US would be invading Iran right now.

Where does it end?

When does Israel put on their big-boy pants?

When does Israel realize that we can't fix their self-made problems?

Netanyahu knows we arent going to invade Iran. We arent capable of doing it even if we wanted to.

What we ARE capable of taking out their nuclear program with air strikes using conventional weapons.

Israel is ALSO capable of taking out Irans nuclear program with air strikes...but only if they use nuclear weapons of their own.

That is what the entire argument boils down to. The failure of negotiations WILL result in the destruction of Irans nuclear program by force. The only question is who will use that force.


golden ticket member


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Netanyahu knows we arent going to invade Iran. We arent capable of doing it even if we wanted to.

What we ARE capable of taking out their nuclear program with air strikes using conventional weapons.

Israel is ALSO capable of taking out Irans nuclear program with air strikes...but only if they use nuclear weapons of their own.

That is what the entire argument boils down to. The failure of negotiations WILL result in the destruction of Irans nuclear program by force. The only question is who will use that force.
Obama won't ever invade Iran.

Or order air strikes.

No matter what!


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Then lets hope the negotiations are successful.
Negotiations won't successful.

How did England and France's negotiations with Germany in 1938 go?

Looked good to the peace niks in 1938.

By Sept. 1, 1939 all hell broke loose BECAUSE OF THOSE NEGOTIATIONS.

Because Hitler had no intention of EVER honoring that agreement.

But England and France did honor that agreement and were utterly unprepared for the German onslaught in 1939.


And you hope they are successful?

Have you learned 1 damned thing from history?


Bad Moon Risen'
We also negotiated the SALT and START treaties with the Soviet Union. May have kept us out of a nuclear war that would have killed millions.
Almost always better to talk than go to war.
Have you not learned anything from history?


Inordinately Right
Netanyahu knows we arent going to invade Iran. We arent capable of doing it even if we wanted to.

What we ARE capable of taking out their nuclear program with air strikes using conventional weapons.

Israel is ALSO capable of taking out Irans nuclear program with air strikes...but only if they use nuclear weapons of their own.

That is what the entire argument boils down to. The failure of negotiations WILL result in the destruction of Irans nuclear program by force. The only question is who will use that force.
We did far more damage to their nuclear program with the NSA developed Stuxnet Virus than we could have with a short conventional warfare campaign.


Engorged Member
We did far more damage to their nuclear program with the NSA developed Stuxnet Virus than we could have with a short conventional warfare campaign.

Yep. And if that doesn't work, Israel seems to be able to handle itself pretty well when threatened. I'm thinking that Israel could secretly be hoping Iran is developing nuclear weapons. That would justify military action against them without UN consequences. They have excellent military intelligence, no doubt much of it provided by US satellites, drones, and aircraft.