Inordinately Right
You are a fool.Yup. 100%. If Trump hadn’t drone striked their general they totally would have randomly shot down a commercial flight. Spot on, actions have no consequences.
You are a fool.Yup. 100%. If Trump hadn’t drone striked their general they totally would have randomly shot down a commercial flight. Spot on, actions have no consequences.
I don't think it's a good idea but a drone strike against a very bad actor is a strategic move, not a war. Gave Iran's leadership a lot to think about in the future too.I often criticize Obama for his extra judicial killing of an American citizen. His embrace of droning and endless war is a big reason why he lost my vote in 2012. It’s a big part of why I didn’t vote for Hillary. I’m against wasting our blood and treasure to try and civilize a bunch of goat herders in the desert. Israel is fine without us.
If Trump had stayed in the JCPOA and pulled troops out of the region like he promised he would, I’d think it’s a good thing. He promised to end the endless wars and instead he’s starting a new one. I don’t know why you think that’s a good idea.
There you go with the liberal media lies again. Trump did not start a war.I often criticize Obama for his extra judicial killing of an American citizen. His embrace of droning and endless war is a big reason why he lost my vote in 2012. It’s a big part of why I didn’t vote for Hillary. I’m against wasting our blood and treasure to try and civilize a bunch of goat herders in the desert. Israel is fine without us.
If Trump had stayed in the JCPOA and pulled troops out of the region like he promised he would, I’d think it’s a good thing. He promised to end the endless wars and instead he’s starting a new one. I don’t know why you think that’s a good idea.
You and I have different perspectives on Trump’s motivations. I don’t believe it was strategy. Trump has said it was a decision to look tough to gain support from GOP hawks in his impeachment trial. Trump is impulsive and doesn’t see the consequences of his actions. He lives in the 24hr news cycle where Orange man kills bad guy is the end of the story. It’s not the end, just another escalation in an endless war.I don't think it's a good idea but a drone strike against a very bad actor is a strategic move, not a war. Gave Iran's leadership a lot to think about in the future too.
We killed so many of ISIS, and Iran would most likely defend the Iraq government from a resurgence of Sunni ISIS, that it's highly unlikely we'll ever see them again. And the nuclear deal was never about preventing nukes, just slowing them down. They kept up the enrichment anyways, tested ballistic missiles in violation of the deal, and kept up terrorist acts and harassment of shipping. That's some deal Kerry negotiated.You and I have different perspectives on Trump’s motivations. I don’t believe it was strategy. Trump has said it was a decision to look tough to gain support from GOP hawks in his impeachment trial. Trump is impulsive and doesn’t see the consequences of his actions. He lives in the 24hr news cycle where Orange man kills bad guy is the end of the story. It’s not the end, just another escalation in an endless war.
Iran is now more likely to get nukes. Iraq has kicked out our forces making a resurgence of ISIS more likely. We are not safer.
This is false. WW3 already happened, we won without a single casualty. All new liberal propaganda should accurately reflect this by telling us he is gonna start WW4 for now on.There you go with the liberal media lies again. Trump did not start a war.
The liberal media attempt to scare their gullible viewers into thinking WW3 is happening clearly worked on you.
Yes, but why was the Iranian military on alert? Because they were expecting incoming US fire. All of this stemming from the drone strike, right?
Yes, stupid to keep airspace open, and equally stupid for Ukranian Airlines to even fly, but this all started with Trump killing the treaty and extends through killing the general.
It all leads back to Agent Orange
CorrectAre you saying Trump's actions played no part in this?
Oh, the irony.Democrats taking up the talking points of a terrorist dictatorship. Pathetic human beings.
If Trump would not have called for the drone strike, the missile doesn't shoot down the plane.Correct
ISIS and Iran are not the same group. It maybe some of the same people, but that's another debate all together....Trump didn't just assassinate Soleimani out of the blue. An American had been killed, our embassy in Baghdad had been stormed, Saudi oilfields had been attacked, and there was a long line of Iranian backed terrorist attacks worldwide. And you've yet to attack Obama for 2800 drone strikes including taking out a wedding but blast Trump for taking out the chief architect of Iran's terrorism. Nor did you credit Trump for restraint when the Iranians shot down our drone but Trump said no one died so no need to kill others. Exactly how many people on our side have to die before you decide it's ok to strike back? Wait until we have a Democrat president so it's ok with you?
fixed it for youIf Iran would not have attacked our embassy, Trump would not have called for the drone strike, the missile doesn't shoot down the plane.
Who said they are? Iran is a Shia state. ISIS were from remnants of Hussein's Sunni minority who once dominated Iraq.ISIS and Iran are not the same group. It maybe some of the same people, but that's another debate all together....
You did, when mentioning Obama's large amount of drone strikes. Two entirely different targets.Who said they are? Iran is a Shia state. ISIS were from remnants of Hussein's Sunni minority who once dominated Iraq.
Obama used drone strikes in many more countries than Iraq and Syria. Don't know how you connected the dots to think I was saying ISIS and Iran are the same. You missed the point altogether. Trump strikes against one major terrorist, liberals blow up. Obama had 2800 drone strikes, and about the only time there was even a little controversy was when he killed an American citizen. Otherswise, crickets.You did, when mentioning Obama's large amount of drone strikes. Two entirely different targets.
actually that would open the way for Iran to get right up against Israel. Would seriously slow the flow of oil too.Should the USA leave the Middle East it would ruin Iran's entire power structure. They need the funds that all other American Presidents paid them to keep their existence intact. Think about it. They rattle their swords and America fights back, nothing major of course. Like those missiles recently fired, the bases were given over 2 hour notice, giving them time to remove the troops from the area.
If there was no Iran vs USA system in place, who could Iran put a show of force against ?
Would have little impact on the East Coast. Our fuels come down from N.B., Canada. The USA still have their oil stockpiles and fracking operations.actually that would open the way for Iran to get right up against Israel. Would seriously slow the flow of oil too.
With oil think globally, not locally. Disruptions in oil supply would have a huge impact on Europe and Asia. Would slam financial markets. Everything is connected. By the way oil is priced in Dollars. If the U.S. didn't police the Middle East oil might get prices in Euros or something else. That would severely devalue the Dollar. They'll never let that happen if they can help it.Would have little impact on the East Coast. Our fuels come down from N.B., Canada. The USA still have their oil stockpiles and fracking operations.