How did they sell something that they didn't have or how did they manage to hide it from congress all these years. The most credible and believable allegations seem to be the the U.S. sold the materials and knowledge to produce them or simply looked the other way.
What is your motivation to disbelieve that REAGAN supplied Saddam with chemical and biological weapons?
EVERY weapons inspector has documented such. The record is very clear.
Now of course, this isnt something the USA wants to promote and the fewer people that know about it the better.
The REAGAN administration LOOKED the other way all the way up to the gassing of the kurds. Reagan knew OUR weapons were used to kill almost 7500 people (the kurds) and he was ultimately going to be held responsible for it.
He chose to IGNORE it.
The decaying weapons found in IRAQ represent NOTHING new as these weapons were already tagged and scheduled for destruction.
The Iraqi government failed to secure them and allthough they are useless, ISIS seems to have access to them.
You can rally for BUSH, but his claims of WMD's still stands as the greatest lie ever told to americans.