Is it time to stop paying union dues?


Well-Known Member
Its time to form parallel independent, rank-and-file committees that 'supervise' IBT/UPS. We must build bridges to workers who are also alienated in our industry; at Fedex, the USPS (whose contract is also running out this year), Amazon and other warehouses.

The Teamsters and UPS calculate that they can push through the contract by pitting older full-time drivers against lower-paid, younger warehouse workers, who would be hired in to the new hybrid driver positions. Rank-and-file committees must unite all workers in common struggle to improve the jobs, working conditions and living standards of all UPS workers.

Preparations should be made now to launch a strike when the contract expires and to mobilize all workers in mass picketing to enforce the walkout. At the same time, UPS workers cannot conduct this battle alone. Workers face an intransigent company, under pressure by Wall Street and Amazon to drastically lower labor costs, and backed to the hilt by the Trump administration and both corporate-controlled parties, the Democrats and Republicans.

These enemies are powerful, but the potential allies of UPS workers are far more powerful. Rank-and-file committees of UPS workers must fan out among Amazon, US Postal Service (USPS), FedEx and other sections of workers to mobilize the active support and cooperation of the broadest sections of the working class. There is enormous potential for such a united struggle because what is happening at UPS is the reality everywhere.

At USPS, where the contract for 200,000 members of the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) expires on September 20, the union has already agreed in previous contracts to the establishment of “postal support employees,” a second tier of lower-paid, temporary workers who routinely work six-day weeks and forced overtime. The Trump administration’s threats to reorganize and then privatize the postal service herald a further attack on jobs and wages. Amazon makes use of the latest in automation and robotics to squeeze as much profit as possible out of fulfillment center workers who make $12 an hour, while Amazon’s billionaire CEO Jeff Bezos makes $2 million an hour, or $36,000 every minute."

The way forward for UPS workers


Well-Known Member

The right of every of member (dues paying member) is to vote.

I'm just flabbergasted....

At the ignorance.

Or, we have a lot of newbie trolls.

I was being sarcastic.

Time for change

Well-Known Member
I was blasted for this. I want to be union but not a corrupt one that doesn’t represent us. I will absolutely leave the union if this contract passes as is. Maybe if you’re making 36 an hour it would be dumb but if you’re confident enough in yourself to find a comparable job and the IBT doesn’t negotiate for existing part timers then what choice do we have left? We aren’t here forever and the time is now. If the company mistreats those that leave, they won’t get more to leave. For now let’s organize a vote no Campaign and if that doesn’t work, then leaving the union until we are represented is our only recourse.