Is this normal?


New Member
Yes we must have the same route. Very normal.


Looks like you got one of those "Lockers" route. Very common here, guys will have like 160 done by lunchtime with 180 PCS

Afraid it might not be since the OP hasn't tried to defend himself ...

But, yes, once you have the fobs/access codes, it's hard not to do 1 stop a minute at lockers, even factoring in the time spent loading up the cart.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if it might be the new number for dispatching with all these super fast business stops of dashing in signing Covid-19 and dashing out. On my route that's a good 30-minutes faster than doing the job per methods when there is no pandemic.

Whats your retirement route like?

As you know. I retired 49 & 11-months with 28-11 months worked. I used my 7-weeks and optional week to make it to PEER 80. I'm in the WCT plan.

I pay $780 for insurance a month for the wife & I. $390 each. It doesn't include optical or dental. You can pay additional a month for dental but it's basically just two cleanings a year.

I read on here where other locals in the Western Plan pay a lot less for retiree medical but I am outta Spokane so that's what we pay. I went 100% Pension and got my wife two insurance policies. So if I tip over, she gets none of my pension but she'll be fine with the life insurance. It was the best deal in our situation.

Yet, health insurance & life insurance costs a month sure takes a bite out of my pension.

One beautiful thing most don't know after you retire is the lack of taxes. Your status now is unearned income so you have no SS or Medicare tax. Meaning say you make approx. $1,000 a week now but only get $710 of that as cash, when you retire... that $1,000 gross turns into about $870 net of cash. These are rough guesstimates but just for future retirees to know because a lot of my co-workers didn't know that.

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