diesel.....just one thing wrong about your scenario.....the egos of the candidates won't let them play "second fiddle".
When these people (dems. or reps) run for office it's "all" or "nothing at all". I cannot envision Obama playing the role of veep to Hillary's prez.
Can you imagine Nancy Pelosi having to play 3rd string to the above dynamic duo?
I almost hope so just to enjoy the fireworks and besides the republicans need a serious wakeup call and the above 3some would be that for sure. At the same time unlike many of you those 3 wouldn't be any different than what we have now so why sweat it?
Watching this thread has proved rather interesting and also proves how much politics as flipped off it's traditional ear. One of the hallmarks of American conservatism has been fiscal responsibility almost to a fault. In the past one of the chief reason conservatism has come down on so-called liberalism is wasteful and excessive spending. The old $700 toilet seat and $700 hammer was in fact a charge leveled against democrats and the excessive federal bureacracy by republicans campaigning this new idea that led to what is known as the "Contract with America." Last seen being used as toilet paper by Sheryl Crow who's been cheating on the rest of us!
Now the roles seemed almost completely reversed as the so-called conservatives seem the champions of wasteful spending under the belief of a more noble cause while the so-called liberals are championing fiscal responsibility. Having watched politics since the late 60's who would have even thunk it!
No argument that some part of the motive for the film and even it's linking here may be to undercut the reason for the continuation in Iraq, I'll definitely give you that but that does not give the gov't a blank check to be absolutely irresponsible with our tax dollars as they go about doing the business of governance. No matter what political perspective you come from IMHO advocating that is treasonous because it grants full acceptance to the gov't to at the end of the day to destroy our economic viability as a nation. If the severity continues and people begin to suffer at home and are unable to not only sustain themselves but conditions effect their jobs so that they can't pay taxes, then how much longer can we stay at the level we are to fight the fight when we obviously for all of us need to. What would happen right now for example with the economy hurting hard in many quarters if, God forbid, another 9/11 happened from another party we never considered. Or what if all of a sudden Russia started making noise because of our economic weakness? Oh yeah, that's right, they have been haven't they! Wake Up America!
Did you ever consider the fact that Osama and many of his ilk are educated men and even in economics and know the first principle of warfare and that is to wage war one must be able to pay for it? Whether Iraq is justified or not can be debated till the cows come home but under no circumstances does it ever give the gov't the right to just waste money because they see us as some money tree they can pass another law to get more. We all have a bottom of our well in which we run dry and what would happen if we all got there?
And before the democrat cheerleaders go to rah-rahing if they happen to think I've taken their side well the House of Representives by Art. 1, Sec. 7 of the Constitution is mandated the responsiblity for raising money in that all bills for such must originate there. If would also suggest that they have an oversight duty to make sure the various functions of gov't use this money wisely, for purpose and not in a wasteful manner. The democrats have control of the House and Senate and IMO have yet to exercise such responsibility and why? For the same reason they don't want people going back and looking at the record in the Bosnia adventure as Halliburton was front and center there as well. This ain't a Bush deal folks as these guys have been around a very LLLOOOOONNNNNGGGGGGGG time.
Prosecute the war in Iraq if you must and there are scenarios that in the future that could prove this to be the right course and I also believe had Al Gore been President on 9/11 we at some point would had been in Iraq anyway. Go back and research the record. But if you must take this action do so wisely with the people's money and make the steps taken really count for something. If we blindly accept this type of behavior from either party, no matter the cause, what do you think will happen when it comes to non-war related spending? Oh that's right, it's called earmarks and it's rampant in Washington. Wake UP!
BTW Tie: Nice comments on your part in several of your posts!
Senior you asked:
Has this video left everyone speechless?
No, not really because crap like this happens all throughout gov't day in and day out and has done so for years. There are tons of sources from the right, the left and in the middle documenting this, here's one for example
but as I said there many more.
My opposing such ideas as Social Security, Dept. of Education or for that fact about 99.999% of what gov't does
is as much based on the simple fact as it's human nature when given this much power and this much money to abuse their position and waste it. No matter where you look from gov't, to our union to whatever, when people are given power and then money to boot it will in time corrupt because the very people who they govern get comfortable listening to Bobby Darrin cd's and stop watching those leaders and next thing you know the wheels come off the tracks and in the aftermath of the crash and destruction we stand around asking "What Happened" or "Who Did That!". Look at ourselves and what we did after the pension changes in Nov. 2004'. The facts were always there but we were to busy with Bobby on the stereo!
Be Good and thanks for linking the video no matter the motive and I personally believe it.