Is this what the "war" is really about?


golden ticket member
diesel.....just one thing wrong about your scenario.....the egos of the candidates won't let them play "second fiddle".
When these people (dems. or reps) run for office it's "all" or "nothing at all". I cannot envision Obama playing the role of veep to Hillary's prez.


Well-Known Member
diesel.....just one thing wrong about your scenario.....the egos of the candidates won't let them play "second fiddle".
When these people (dems. or reps) run for office it's "all" or "nothing at all". I cannot envision Obama playing the role of veep to Hillary's prez.


Can you imagine Nancy Pelosi having to play 3rd string to the above dynamic duo?

I almost hope so just to enjoy the fireworks and besides the republicans need a serious wakeup call and the above 3some would be that for sure. At the same time unlike many of you those 3 wouldn't be any different than what we have now so why sweat it?

Watching this thread has proved rather interesting and also proves how much politics as flipped off it's traditional ear. One of the hallmarks of American conservatism has been fiscal responsibility almost to a fault. In the past one of the chief reason conservatism has come down on so-called liberalism is wasteful and excessive spending. The old $700 toilet seat and $700 hammer was in fact a charge leveled against democrats and the excessive federal bureacracy by republicans campaigning this new idea that led to what is known as the "Contract with America." Last seen being used as toilet paper by Sheryl Crow who's been cheating on the rest of us!

Now the roles seemed almost completely reversed as the so-called conservatives seem the champions of wasteful spending under the belief of a more noble cause while the so-called liberals are championing fiscal responsibility. Having watched politics since the late 60's who would have even thunk it!:lol:

No argument that some part of the motive for the film and even it's linking here may be to undercut the reason for the continuation in Iraq, I'll definitely give you that but that does not give the gov't a blank check to be absolutely irresponsible with our tax dollars as they go about doing the business of governance. No matter what political perspective you come from IMHO advocating that is treasonous because it grants full acceptance to the gov't to at the end of the day to destroy our economic viability as a nation. If the severity continues and people begin to suffer at home and are unable to not only sustain themselves but conditions effect their jobs so that they can't pay taxes, then how much longer can we stay at the level we are to fight the fight when we obviously for all of us need to. What would happen right now for example with the economy hurting hard in many quarters if, God forbid, another 9/11 happened from another party we never considered. Or what if all of a sudden Russia started making noise because of our economic weakness? Oh yeah, that's right, they have been haven't they! Wake Up America!

Did you ever consider the fact that Osama and many of his ilk are educated men and even in economics and know the first principle of warfare and that is to wage war one must be able to pay for it? Whether Iraq is justified or not can be debated till the cows come home but under no circumstances does it ever give the gov't the right to just waste money because they see us as some money tree they can pass another law to get more. We all have a bottom of our well in which we run dry and what would happen if we all got there?

And before the democrat cheerleaders go to rah-rahing if they happen to think I've taken their side well the House of Representives by Art. 1, Sec. 7 of the Constitution is mandated the responsiblity for raising money in that all bills for such must originate there. If would also suggest that they have an oversight duty to make sure the various functions of gov't use this money wisely, for purpose and not in a wasteful manner. The democrats have control of the House and Senate and IMO have yet to exercise such responsibility and why? For the same reason they don't want people going back and looking at the record in the Bosnia adventure as Halliburton was front and center there as well. This ain't a Bush deal folks as these guys have been around a very LLLOOOOONNNNNGGGGGGGG time.

Prosecute the war in Iraq if you must and there are scenarios that in the future that could prove this to be the right course and I also believe had Al Gore been President on 9/11 we at some point would had been in Iraq anyway. Go back and research the record. But if you must take this action do so wisely with the people's money and make the steps taken really count for something. If we blindly accept this type of behavior from either party, no matter the cause, what do you think will happen when it comes to non-war related spending? Oh that's right, it's called earmarks and it's rampant in Washington. Wake UP!

BTW Tie: Nice comments on your part in several of your posts!

Senior you asked:
Has this video left everyone speechless?

No, not really because crap like this happens all throughout gov't day in and day out and has done so for years. There are tons of sources from the right, the left and in the middle documenting this, here's one for example
but as I said there many more.

My opposing such ideas as Social Security, Dept. of Education or for that fact about 99.999% of what gov't does :wink: is as much based on the simple fact as it's human nature when given this much power and this much money to abuse their position and waste it. No matter where you look from gov't, to our union to whatever, when people are given power and then money to boot it will in time corrupt because the very people who they govern get comfortable listening to Bobby Darrin cd's and stop watching those leaders and next thing you know the wheels come off the tracks and in the aftermath of the crash and destruction we stand around asking "What Happened" or "Who Did That!". Look at ourselves and what we did after the pension changes in Nov. 2004'. The facts were always there but we were to busy with Bobby on the stereo!

Be Good and thanks for linking the video no matter the motive and I personally believe it.


Well-Known Member
Wkmac,Reagon Administration raised the US deficit higher than all Presidents put together since George Washington.Guess what,Double-Ya(Bush) has surpassed it.The Bush Adm. is in the process of selling Treasury bonds(IOU's) to foriegn countries to finance this Bumper sticker(i mean War on Terror)..Reps. say they don't want to raise taxes,but finding it harder to sell bonds now cause foriegners are raising interests rates.Why do Reps blame Demos raise taxes?..To pay for Rep deficit so our children and grand children don't have to!
Amazing,Neo-Cons selling a big chunk of Americana!..How patriotic!


Well-Known Member
Dont you know the cause and affect rule. The spoils of war. Why yes? Lets take the oil. Is it realllllly stealing?

With this philosophy should'nt we attack Venezuela instead,topple Hugo Chavez,and steal his oil?
Logistics simplified...Heck then we can hire Mexicans,South and Central Americans to build a pipeline straight to the U.S. and slow down illegal immigration.And pull out of the Middle East with no oil dependency.

P.S. Agree with running analogy from other post


Well-Known Member
Wkmac,Reagan Administration raised the US deficit higher than all Presidents put together since George Washington.Guess what,Double-Ya(Bush) has surpassed it.The Bush Adm. is in the process of selling Treasury bonds(IOU's) to foreign countries to finance this Bumper sticker(i mean War on Terror)..Reps. say they don't want to raise taxes,but finding it harder to sell bonds now cause foreigners are raising interests rates.Why do Reps blame Demos raise taxes?..To pay for Rep deficit so our children and grand children don't have to!
Amazing,Neo-Cons selling a big chunk of Americana!..How patriotic!

If this were true why are the demos saying they want to raise taxes to provide more government programs? All these tax increases they are proposing are not to pay down the debt but to provide more social programs. It seems to me that they are the ones trying to stick our children and grandchildren with so much excessive debt in the form of social security and "free" health care for everyone. I have been listening to what the candidates from both sides have been saying and none of them have been able to explain why the government should not sell our debt to foreigners like you suggest. I know lots of people were saying the same thing when Clinton was president. I did not buy into the "they can destroy our economy if they dump all the bonds" then either. As our economy goes so does much of the worlds.

Oh one problem with your pipeline plan. Who would guard it? You demos do not want to fund the military and you do not want to hire private contractors if they will make a profit and you do not want to outsource the work.


Well-Known Member
Dont you know the cause and affect rule. The spoils of war. Why yes? Lets take the oil. Is it realllllly stealing?

With this philosophy should'nt we attack Venezuela instead,topple Hugo Chavez,and steal his oil?
Logistics simplified...Heck then we can hire Mexicans,South and Central Americans to build a pipeline straight to the U.S. and slow down illegal immigration.And pull out of the Middle East with no oil dependency.

P.S. Agree with running analogy from other post
Hugo Chavez, yes, we should take him out, as well as the korean dictator, and Irans dictator. Why heck it would be nice to take all those ruthless dictators out that suppress the people and have no democracy. Have you ever visited one of these countries? No and I dont think you would want to live there either. I will retract my statement on taking the oil. I believe the people that are liberated will be more than willing to give us some oil at a reduced price. It takes money, major money to take care of these conflicts(wars) around the world. It would be nice to have unlimited economic and military resources to get rid of these scums of the earth. The U.S. has to pick its battles carefully. For you to understand this, I will break it down on a more personal level. Do you lock your doors at night? Why? because there are bad people out there that might do you harm. I wish there could be a police officer for every house, but we dont have the economic means to do it. Its the same on the international level. We cant be everywhere all the time. So will have to chooe where to patrol(like police officers). Where is the democrats compassion for these suppressed countries. Do you want to be an isolationist? Have you ever been to Disneyland? There is a ride called "its a small world". The world is so intergrated. I believe in my heart the U.S. though not always perfect has good intentions when liberating a country. Some countries take to democracy quickly such as Japan,Germany and Italy and others are, lets say more of a challenge to change. Yes, we have had failures and that just plan sad for the U.S. Its also heartbreaking for the people of that country. Whats is also sad is that one party will try and destroy the other, just for the sake of being reelected. In conclusion I believe at this point and time the Republicans have shown more true compasion on the world stage than the democrats.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Hugo Chavez, yes, we should take him out, as well as the korean dictator, and Irans dictator. Why heck it would be nice to take all those ruthless dictators out that suppress the people and have no democracy. Have you ever visited one of these countries? No and I dont think you would want to live there either. I will retract my statement on taking the oil. I believe the people that are liberated will be more than willing to give us some oil at a reduced price. It takes money, major money to take care of these conflicts(wars) around the world. It would be nice to have unlimited economic and military resources to get rid of these scums of the earth. The U.S. has to pick its battles carefully. For you to understand this, I will break it down on a more personal level. Do you lock your doors at night? Why? because there are bad people out there that might do you harm. I wish there could be a police officer for every house, but we dont have the economic means to do it. Its the same on the international level. We cant be everywhere all the time. So will have to chooe where to patrol(like police officers). Where is the democrats compassion for these suppressed countries. Do you want to be an isolationist? Have you ever been to Disneyland? There is a ride called "its a small world". The world is so intergrated. I believe in my heart the U.S. though not always perfect has good intentions when liberating a country. Some countries take to democracy quickly such as Japan,Germany and Italy and others are, lets say more of a challenge to change. Yes, we have had failures and that just plan sad for the U.S. Its also heartbreaking for the people of that country. Whats is also sad is that one party will try and destroy the other, just for the sake of being reelected. In conclusion I believe at this point and time the Republicans have shown more true compasion on the world stage than the democrats.

North Korea needs help as much as anyone. Their citizens aren't even aloud to communicate with the outside world. China even looks down on them. People think that China and N. Korea are alies but in reality China only looks at N. Korea as a buffer between them and S. Korea and essentially the U.S.. When China fought against the U.N. (mainly U.S. forces) in the Korean War it was mostly for their benefit and not N. Korea's. If not completely. And now we have Iran, Russia and China (through Iran)funneling weapons into Iraq and Afghanistan that are being used by terrorists to kill our troops. These countrys are against human rights and democracy and would rather help the terrorists than have the U.S. help bring more democracy to the region. It amazes me that anyone in this country, or any other freedom loving country, would not support our efforts over there. The way I look at it are either for us or against us.


Well-Known Member
(waiting in ambush, for some liberal dem to come down our trail,thread). Area 43 smoking a cig(I dont smoke), " Hey bau,(whispering) when do you think well get some action"(engage the enemy). " Well,(bau speaking) Im not sure,(motioning to me for a cig), Maybe their all at a cindy sheman-anti war rally". Sshhhh!(bau speaking)"I think I here someone coming".
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Active Member
Omg! You are kidding!? We are contracting out large jobs to big American companies!? No way! This is preposterous! This isn't how you rebuild countries! Err wait...

Seriously, you guys need to lay off the tin foil a bit.


Well-Known Member,2933,288997,00.html

Ret. Col. Hunt not at all kind to Rummey and now with the release of today's news that Al Quaida is gearing up with new threat to the US makes Col. Hunt's comments all the more meaningful.

Wkmac...your really getting me fired up! Ive been saying it all along,why the hell are we in Iraq when we should of been concentrating on Pakistan and Afghanistan.Word has it that Al Qeda is just as strong if not stronger than it was prior to 9/11.What the hell was Rumsfeld thinking when he didn't want to ruffle Pakistan's feathers...Now we got a stretched out hard working Military that this Administration has been targeting the wrong enemy.

More contractors than soldiers.....Would it be cheaper to higher mercenaries from around the world to police Iraq while our Military goes after the real threat/terrorist Al-Qeda.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Wkmac...your really getting me fired up! Ive been saying it all along,why the hell are we in Iraq when we should of been concentrating on Pakistan and Afghanistan.Word has it that Al Qeda is just as strong if not stronger than it was prior to 9/11.What the hell was Rumsfeld thinking when he didn't want to ruffle Pakistan's feathers...Now we got a stretched out hard working Military that this Administration has been targeting the wrong enemy.

More contractors than soldiers.....Would it be cheaper to higher mercenaries from around the world to police Iraq while our Military goes after the real threat/terrorist Al-Qeda.

Umm..targeting the wrong enemy? Al-Qeda is in Iraq too! It doesn't matter what country we go into to fight these terrorist scum because once that country's military is laid to waste, surrenders, and whats left of them melts away into the civilians and starts their terrorists activity the Libs would be singing the same song of defeat that they are singing now. It is clear that anything short of a victory over a uniformed army with a full formal surrender is not acceptable among the Liberals. They don't have the stomach or the cahonas to endure a tough fight. I hate to break this to you Liberals but the days of the commanding officers for the losing side comming aboard one of our battleships to sign a formal surrender are over.

We did concentrate on Afghanistan. More people would realize that if our treacherous press would report it more. The base I live near is sending troops back to Afghanistan in a few months. I agree we should put more pressure on Pakistan but to think that a conflict there wouldn't result in the same daily terrorism (car bombings, IEDs, beheadings, etc.) wouldn't take place there once we displaced their military is just blind ignorance. Plus they have nukes. It's wise to remember that. And let's not forget Iran. They should have been punched in the mouth the same day we started bombing Afghanistan.

A most important point to remember here is that it doesn't matter which country we went after first because all of the others would be involved with that country under the table. You can bet your bottom dollar that Iraq would have been secretly supporting Iran if we had went in their first.


Well-Known Member
America is neck deep in human rights groups, feminism, ecology, and, for God’s Sake, the rights of minorities. So what about the people of Iraq who’ve been living with war and tyranny for three decades and who are now being assaulted by the most vile movement on earth? Are we, as a sympathetic nation, 100% behind the efforts to find the hundreds of thousands of "missing" Iraqis, and are we in full support of the Iraqi women's battles against fundamentalists?

When I hear about “exit plans” I feel our stand on human rights and charitable groups has taken a pass on Iraq and I’d like to know wish why. Here we sit on our fat, happy a$$e$ on safe, dry land and many of us want to watch, in between our mindless reality shows, and see if the Iraqis sink or swim. Shame on anybody who wants to back out.

Why haven’t some of our larger American cities offered to make Baghdad a Sister City and lend a hand that way? God knows we’re helping everybody else in the world:

Wherever Muslims congregate, terrorism was in place long before the Iraqi war. (India, Palestine, Chechnya, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia,….) Pakistan’s ISI (bin Laden’s headquarters), the terrorist training camps all over the Middle East, the Islamic religious schools that educate the Taliban, the fanatical clerics who hide behind their mosques, were all in full swing before the Iraqi war. For the past twenty years, a generation of terrorists has been nurtured and groomed all the way from the Netherlands to Spain. And so,

We can’t pull out, we can’t lose this war, and our involvement will be with more than one country over there -

If every room in your house was infested with termites, would you have only one of those rooms fumigated?

Are there really those out there who don’t agree with the regime change in Iraq? And for those of you who want to wash your hands and go home, do you know what that would mean? The very nature of this enemy and the thought of their success should make any decent person ashamed. What alternative could there have been to confronting Iraq?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
America is neck deep in human rights groups, feminism, ecology, and, for God’s Sake, the rights of minorities. So what about the people of Iraq who’ve been living with war and tyranny for three decades and who are now being assaulted by the most vile movement on earth? Are we, as a sympathetic nation, 100% behind the efforts to find the hundreds of thousands of "missing" Iraqis, and are we in full support of the Iraqi women's battles against fundamentalists?

When I hear about “exit plans” I feel our stand on human rights and charitable groups has taken a pass on Iraq and I’d like to know wish why. Here we sit on our fat, happy :censored2: on safe, dry land and many of us want to watch, in between our mindless reality shows, and see if the Iraqis sink or swim. Shame on anybody who wants to back out.

Why haven’t some of our larger American cities offered to make Baghdad a Sister City and lend a hand that way? God knows we’re helping everybody else in the world:

Wherever Muslims congregate, terrorism was in place long before the Iraqi war. (India, Palestine, Chechnya, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia,….) Pakistan’s ISI (bin Laden’s headquarters), the terrorist training camps all over the Middle East, the Islamic religious schools that educate the Taliban, the fanatical clerics who hide behind their mosques, were all in full swing before the Iraqi war. For the past twenty years, a generation of terrorists has been nurtured and groomed all the way from the Netherlands to Spain. And so,

We can’t pull out, we can’t lose this war, and our involvement will be with more than one country over there -

If every room in your house was infested with termites, would you have only one of those rooms fumigated?

Are there really those out there who don’t agree with the regime change in Iraq? And for those of you who want to wash your hands and go home, do you know what that would mean? The very nature of this enemy and the thought of their success should make any decent person ashamed. What alternative could there have been to confronting Iraq?

Good post. There are plenty of people over there trying to help the Iraqis though. Charitable groups and human rights groups are there as well as religious groups and even your plain ole average people that simply went over there to help. The Liberal media only mentions them when they are kidnapped and beheaded by terrorists. I'm really starting to think that CNN and company are doing more harm than good.


Well-Known Member
Big A>Umm..targeting the wrong enemy? Al-Qeda is in Iraq too!

Hmm..lets see.. Al-qaida makes up about 5% of the insurgents in Iraq.
Facing eroding support for his Iraq policy, even among Republicans, President Bush on Thursday called al Qaida “the main enemy” in Iraq, a statement rejected by his administration’s senior intelligence analysts.
The reference, in a major speech at the Naval War College that referred to al Qaida at least 27 times, seemed calculated to use lingering outrage over the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, to bolster support for the current buildup of U.S. troops in Iraq, despite evidence that sending more troops hasn’t reduced the violence or sped Iraqi government action on key issues.
It amazes me how this simple-minded ploy - repeating something over and over again in order to make it easier to believe - works so well. The Big Lie is still a powerful tool, and so is the Little Myth, as long as it’s repeated endlessly.

quote=Sammie>When I hear about “exit plans” I feel our stand on human rights and charitable groups has taken a pass on Iraq and I’d like to know wish why.
We can’t pull out, we can’t lose this war, and our involvement will be with more than one country over there -And for those of you who want to wash your hands and go home, do you know what that would mean.

Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki shrugged off U.S. doubts of his government's military and political progress Saturday, saying Iraqi forces are capable and American troops can leave "anytime they want."
Quote=Maliki>"We say in full confidence that we are able, God willing, to take the responsibility completely in running the security file if the international forces withdraw at anytime they want," he said.

Charitable groups and Human rights Org can replace our American Troops instead or maybe some financial support(would be cheaper than $10 billon a month).
Now you talk about losing a war.How do you lose a Civil War thats not being fought on your homeland?Our brave soldiers went in,dethroned the old regime,instituted a new regime,destroyed infrastructure,help rebuild,now Prime Minister says you can go now!...."Lets Roll".
Conservative rheteric banging everybody on the head... "pull out means lose the war" and " Iraq is full of Al-Qaeda "is just a bad excuse to remain there for political and logistical purposes.

Do I know what it means if we pull out? YES..How about:
10 Billon a month or 750 Billon since we invaded Iraq.Rebuilding our credibility in the worldwide picture that this Lying Neo-Conservative Administration has bestowed upon us.
Imagine the Humanitarian/charitable aide around the world and at home,funding research and development,education,cancer and disease,transportation,energy,etc..etc.Lead by example,thats how a Superpower is suppose to act....lesson the enemy not increase.
Do you know how many mouths you can feed and water with 750 billion?

quote>Sammie=Why haven’t some of our larger American cities offered to make Baghdad a Sister City and lend a hand that way? God knows we’re helping everybody else in the world:

I would'nt go out on a limb and say were helping everyone else,we could do better....This Administration could'nt even help our own people..Example:Katrina debacle.Why are there SO many private organizations in the US and around the world literally begging for donations to feed/clothe/vaccinate/educate third world countries.Generally when disater strikes around the world the US should be there..and lead by example.

quote=sammie>If every room in your house was infested with termites, would you have only one of those rooms fumigated?

And what if the termites lived and hid amongst your pets in the house,and the pets could'nt leave the house.
Should we carpet bomb the house anyway?The Conservative way!


Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
"ONLY" 5% of the "Insurgents" are Al-Qaeda? LOL! When are you Liberals going to learn that a terrorist is a terrost no matter what group they claim to support. And to think that they only make up 5% is wishfull thinking. And when are you going to learn that people that strap bombs to themselves and women and children, plant bombs in cars and drive them into crowded supermarkets, bake little children alive ( ), plants IEDs in the streets, kidnaps and beheads people, etc.. are NOT insurgents?They are terrorists!

I would'nt go out on a limb and say were helping everyone else,we could do better....This Administration could'nt even help our own people..Example:Katrina debacle.Why are there SO many private organizations in the US and around the world literally begging for donations to feed/clothe/vaccinate/educate third world countries.Generally when disater strikes around the world the US should be there..and lead by example.

Here we go with tht Katrina crap again. I guess the State of Louisiana and the local government shouldn't bare none of the responsibility? Well of course not! It's a Liberal city so of course they expected the Federal govt. to bare the entire responsibility. Never mind personal responsibility.

And what if the termites lived and hid amongst your pets in the house,and the pets could'nt leave the house.
Should we carpet bomb the house anyway?The Conservative way!

No..a conservative would take their pets out for a day and call the exterminator. A liberal would sit there and wait for the govt. to come fix the problem while the termites eat up the house. Or maybe cut and run and move. LOL.


Well-Known Member
It amazes me how this simple-minded ploy - repeating something over and over again in order to make it easier to believe - works so well. The Big Lie is still a powerful tool, and so is the Little Myth, as long as it’s repeated endlessly.

The dems are only concerned that a victory in Iraq would erode their chances in 2008. Their whole agenda is based on our defeat in Iraq, emboldening the enemy, cutting and running like cowards and being friends with those who oppose our Freedom.

The greatest military in the world will be victorious and in some ways this makes some feel threatened!!:wink:

We will prevail and the Cut and run B.S. is not an option!

Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki shrugged off U.S. doubts of his government's military and political progress Saturday, saying Iraqi forces are capable and American troops can leave "anytime they want."
Quote=Maliki>"We say in full confidence that we are able, God willing, to take the responsibility completely in running the security file if the international forces withdraw at anytime they want," he said.

Charitable groups and Human rights Org can replace our American Troops instead or maybe some financial support(would be cheaper than $10 billon a month).
Now you talk about losing a war.How do you lose a Civil War thats not being fought on your homeland?Our brave soldiers went in,dethroned the old regime,instituted a new regime,destroyed infrastructure,help rebuild,now Prime Minister says you can go now!...."Lets Roll".
Conservative rheteric banging everybody on the head... "pull out means lose the war" and " Iraq is full of Al-Qaeda "is just a bad excuse to remain there for political and logistical purposes.

If Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's assessment is correct (and he just made this declaration recently) and the military experts who are over there concur this would also mean that the long hard effort of training the Iraqi military is finally beginning to work. This would certainly be one important step in getting out of there. If the current surge can limit the violence and the Iraqi military can show they're capable then pulling out in 2008 may be a possibility. But to just up and run out (the dems solution as a result of a lack of a plan) creating utter chaos leaving poor Iraqi families and their Country vulnerable is not an option.

Do I know what it means if we pull out? YES..How about:10 Billon a month or 750 Billon since we invaded Iraq.Rebuilding our credibility in the worldwide picture that this Lying Neo-Conservative Administration has bestowed upon us.
Imagine the Humanitarian/charitable aide around the world and at home,funding research and development,education,cancer and disease,transportation,energy,etc..etc.Lead by example,thats how a Superpower is suppose to act....lesson the enemy not increase.
Do you know how many mouths you can feed and water with 750 Billion?

Since when do we put price tag on our freedom? Who cares what others think!! Since you do why don't you take a few of your liberal friends and move to one of those countries that judge us they're just like much of the cut and run :devil:demon-cratic party.

Did you know that the United States is responsible for over 82% of the world's Humanitarian/Charitable efforts??

I would'nt go out on a limb and say were helping everyone else,we could do better....This Administration could'nt even help our own people..Example:Katrina debacle.Why are there SO many private organizations in the US and around the world literally begging for donations to feed/clothe/vaccinate/educate third world countries.Generally when disater strikes around the world the US should be there..and lead by example.

Your Katrina comment is a joke and you know it. Blaming the administration without giving local or State governments their fair share of the responsibility is just preposterous.

quote=sammie>If every room in your house was infested with termites, would you have only one of those rooms fumigated?

And what if the termites lived and hid amongst your pets in the house,and the pets could'nt leave the house.
Should we carpet bomb the house anyway?The Conservative way!

I think Big arrow up answered this one!:thumbup1:

Good post Sammie!!


Well-Known Member
Au contraire, Deisel.

Just one more snippet and I’m done here. And great comments, BTW, Arrow and Brazen.

If the Iraqi government can’t stop the Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds from killing each other and depend on us to do it for them, who would police this if we left? And in lieu of Iraq’s pretending to handle this matter themselves, how many hundreds of thousands of Iraqi physicians, academics and professionals have fled to other countries? Hmmmm?

There are those Americans who believe that the nightmare in Iraq couldn't get any worse. Dream on. The terrorists would LOVE nothing better to see us get the he## out of Dodge so they could exterminate all the Sunni’s they can get their hands on and use an oil rich country as a safe haven for new recruits, new resources and jihadist shelters. COOL BEANS!!!

In fact, let’s leave tomorrow so we can promise al Quada an automatic victory. The sooner the better, then they won’t have to hide while setting up a launching pad to use against the rest of the free world!! No biggie!!

Or maybe, just maybe, we’ll stay a while longer to support those Muslims who are willing to stand up to the extremists. Because if we don’t, as Brian Jenkins of the Rand Corporation puts it, (Rand being a think tank that improves policy and decisions through research and analysis), “We will be condemned to stepping on cockroaches
one at a time. This will be endless”…
