You're probably right. I just remember how quick Railway Express (nation wide # 1 carrier) folded when UPS ramped up their expansion plans.
You’ve got to think about how fast the overall volume in the shipping industry is growing too.
During the recession a manager kind of put it into perspective for me. We had just had the worst year over year “loss” in the history of the company. He said 8 more quarters of this and we won’t be making money anymore.
8 quarters of progressively worse quarters on top of the worst one in the history of the company and we’d be negative. Not out of business just not in the black for once lol
Plus we’ve got about 3.5-4 billion we are paying out in dividends each year on top of the 6 billion in profits. That’s a lot of downhill.
Certainly not saying it’s not possible. Maybe just not as dire as we think.