It works, not very well, but like a old car that keeps breaking down, it works.
To say something works, but not very well, means it doesn't work.
That old car that you have that you keep sinking money in to keep it running just because it gets better gas mileage than the brand new car in the garage is ludacrous.
The money you're putting into that car far outways the savings in gas mileage compared to the brand new car.
The same with ORION. Even for the few areas that it works somewhat, the cost of the extra overtime far outways the savings in miles.
Target went into Canada because they had a lot of Canadian shoppers coming here to Target.
They spent billions. Lost their a$$es. They pulled out and cut their loses because they realized it would never work.
UPS needs to do the same with ORION. Cut their losses now and pay the drivers to do what they have been doing for the past 100 years.
And guess what? They will actually save money.