Operational needs
Virescit Vulnere Virtus
TOS is funny as hell though.
He is smart, quick and never lets his imagination be filtered.
Smart???? How much is he paying you?
TOS is funny as hell though.
He is smart, quick and never lets his imagination be filtered.
YepWe don't have to wait for ISIS to attack us. We are killing ourselves from within.
Smart???? How much is he paying you?
Ain't feeling no pain@Monkey Butt over medicated himself again.
@Monkey Butt over medicated himself again.
That's the only kind of drugs to be on!Ohhhh. I forgot he was on good drugs.
Similar to the Hollywood Bank of America shooting wearing body armor and equipped with assault rifles.Witnesses said three men in masks and body armor stormed the crowded building and opened fire with rifles, with one shooting people in a conference room where a Christmas party was taking place, according to the Los Angeles Times. Local Fox affiliate KTTV initially reported that at least 12 fatalities may have occurred inside the building, which was surrounded by authorities, just before noon local time.
BUT ...Similar to the Hollywood Bank of America shooting wearing body armor and equipped with assault rifles.
One suspect is named Farooq Saeed .
IED found in building .
12 Dead .
If a mooslim group did indeed carry out this attack , do you think the msm will mention it ?
Stop having tragedies.Hillary wasted no time and already started screaming for more gun control. Never let a tragedy go to waste as usual.
Recall Fort Hood ?Yes. Nobody is confirming anything. Your MSM fantasy is laughable. Do you really think they could cover up a Muslim attack?
Ohhhh. I forgot he was on good drugs.
That's the only kind of drugs to be on!