ISIL Attacks America?


Nine Lives
Breaking: UPS Package Sent to Syed Farook’s Apartment
The Redlands UPS facility was evacuated after a package was found addressed to Syed Farook, the terrorist who, along with his wife, murdered 14 innocents this week in San Bernardino.

A bomb squad was called in to check the package.

It was returned to the distribution facility, where bomb technicians said it was safe and “posed no threat.”


Engorged Member

Probably more tactical clothing. Despite reports to the contrary, the shooters didn't have bulletproof vests, just tactical vests to hold all their weapons and ammo. I wish I could get that TMZ picture to post. Probably too graphic for this site, but it shows one of them dead, face-down, hands tied, with enough blood to make Dracula happy.

I don't like gore, but in this case, seeing them blown away is OK by me.


golden ticket member
Probably more tactical clothing. Despite reports to the contrary, the shooters didn't have bulletproof vests, just tactical vests to hold all their weapons and ammo. I wish I could get that TMZ picture to post. Probably too graphic for this site, but it shows one of them dead, face-down, hands tied, with enough blood to make Dracula happy.

I don't like gore, but in this case, seeing them blown away is OK by me.
try this...


nowhere special
For once, I agree with you. The family and the Islamic "community" are spinning this as something it wasn't, and downplaying the terrorism aspect.

CAIR is even trying to blame the victims now. Anything to deflect attention away from Muslims and terrorism.


Well-Known Member's just a spoof. If you believe in God, then he also created terrorism, Islam, AIDS, cancer, war, and everything else bad about humanity. The point was that "God" isn't going to fix the gun issues, or terrorism, or anything else, and that the GOP candidates all had the same basic bland, banal message of "pray for the victims and law enforcement". No answers, just useless religious platitudes to make their base happy.

create life from a lump of clay and I will have to believe you.


Inordinately Right
....and there are people on this very forum who believe this isn't happening and it will never happen in their little corner of the world. I think it's called "denial".
The people who are in denial are the ones like yourself who think more wars and meddling in the middle east, the very things that bring this type of blowback down on innocent Americans, will solve the problem.


Well-Known Member
You're wrong.
I think we should leave those people alone.
Like rats in a jar........eventually they will kill each other.

Please give me a "funny" or "disagree" so I'll know you're on top of your game today. Thanks.


Inordinately Right
You're wrong.
I think we should leave those people alone.
Like rats in a jar........eventually they will kill each other.

Please give me a "funny" or "disagree" so I'll know you're on top of your game today. Thanks.
Then why do you always post anti-muslim garbage and say nothing about our role in causing all of this?


Well-Known Member
Then why do you always post anti-muslim garbage and say nothing about our role in causing all of this?

You seem to believe "our role" is causing massive numbers of those people to come here and blow stuff up and slaughter innocent people.

I don't/can't control our government sending troops anywhere. All I can do is support the troops. Bad wars, good warriors.

You may not be aware but those people have infested the once beautiful country of Great Britain. They are expanding to Australia and, as you may know, America.


Inordinately Right
You seem to believe "our role" is causing massive numbers of those people to come here and blow stuff up and slaughter innocent people.
You honestly believe massive numbers of people are coming here to "blow stuff up"? Get a grip.
You feed off these rare events to justify your nonsense and war mongering.
I don't/can't control our government sending troops anywhere. All I can do is support the troops. Bad wars, good warriors.
If you vote republican, or democrat for that matter, you do support sending our troops to die for nothing, whether you realize it or not.


Bad Moon Risen'
You seem to believe "our role" is causing massive numbers of those people to come here and blow stuff up and slaughter innocent people.

I don't/can't control our government sending troops anywhere. All I can do is support the troops. Bad wars, good warriors.

You may not be aware but those people have infested the once beautiful country of Great Britain. They are expanding to Australia and, as you may know, America.
We found it necessary to infest this land with christianity. Maybe it's time to reap what we sowed.