ISIS aka The Islamic State


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Thousands of ISIS members were secretly allowed to leave Raqqa with weapons and ammo — and the US knew about it

Why the US and its allies let ISIS escape

The US not only knew about the deal — they reportedly kept a close watch on the the convoy as it drove through the desert towards Iraq's border.

"When the last of the convoy were about to cross, a US jet flew very low and deployed flares to light up the area. IS fighters s--- their pants," one of the drivers told the BBC.

Col. Ryan Dillon, spokesman for the US-led coalition fighting ISIS, explained to the BBC why the US knowingly accepted the deal.

"We didn't want anyone to leave," Dillon said. "But this goes to the heart of our strategy, 'by, with and through' local leaders on the ground. It comes down to Syrians – they are the ones fighting and dying, they get to make the decisions regarding operations."

The US-led coalition has met criticism over its airstrikes killing civilians, but ISIS tactics include hiding among civilian populations and using them as human shields. The massive human cost of continuing the bombing campaign on Raqqa may have swayed the decision makers to allow so many ISIS fighters to leave with their weapons.

The retreating ISIS fighters reportedly threatened the drivers and the others they met, saying that they would return and bring with them Sharia law. But ISIS today is a far cry from its heyday, and members of the group that was once bent on martyrdom have now begun to surrender en masse.


Strength through joy
Raqqa’s Dirty Secret, Thousands of ISIS Fighters, Families Allowed to Flee
The Syrians entered into a deal with ISIS to allow their fighters and families to escape Raqqa. The agreement was supposed to forbid foreign fighters from escaping and allow only personal belongings, but ISIS quickly reneged on that, taking all of their foreign fighters as well as loading trucks with arms and ammunition.

The Kurdish-led SDF announced that the convoy would not be televised and only a few dozen ISIS fighters would be allowed to leave. But the BBC has uncovered, with photos, that the numbers were much, much higher, perhaps as high as 4000. The convoy was six kilometers long with 50 trucks, 13 buses and over 100 of ISIS’ own vehicles.

I still don't see Trump's name mentioned .


Inordinately Right
Raqqa’s Dirty Secret, Thousands of ISIS Fighters, Families Allowed to Flee
The Syrians entered into a deal with ISIS to allow their fighters and families to escape Raqqa. The agreement was supposed to forbid foreign fighters from escaping and allow only personal belongings, but ISIS quickly reneged on that, taking all of their foreign fighters as well as loading trucks with arms and ammunition.

The Kurdish-led SDF announced that the convoy would not be televised and only a few dozen ISIS fighters would be allowed to leave. But the BBC has uncovered, with photos, that the numbers were much, much higher, perhaps as high as 4000. The convoy was six kilometers long with 50 trucks, 13 buses and over 100 of ISIS’ own vehicles.

I still don't see Trump's name mentioned .
He's the commander in chief of the US backed kurdish forces. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
LMAO. Lay off the kool-aid.

What I'm suggesting, is that you and republicans are a bunch of hypocrites. You'd all be :censored2:ting your pants if the commander in chief was a democrat while we let thousands of surrounded terrorists just drive off with truckloads of weapons.
FDR and Truman and Kennedy, even Clinton would've handled it better than Obama. No Republican president would've set a red line, threaten Syria better not cross it, and then not follow through. Obama was all talk. And by the way is ISIS reforming somewhere?


Inordinately Right
No Republican president would've set a red line, threaten Syria better not cross it, and then not follow through. Obama was all talk.
No but the republican will promise to destroy terrorists, then have our military stand down and let them go when we have them surrounded. Trump is all talk.