



In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier

Don’t be surprised if this becomes the beginning of WWIII.

At least the Iranian guard didn’t shoot down one of their own passenger planes when Trump took out old “what’s his face”…

Looks like “meats on the menu boys”… Iran is in for a good ass kicking..couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people…


im hearing from 2 different places that israel is dragging US into a wider war. greenwald questions how this benefits americans at all lol


Well-Known Member
im just quoting greenwald. sounds like israel is doing the instigating and israel is the one who wants war.
Israel killed a couple of Iranian generals who were supplying Hezbollah in southern Lebanon with rockets. Same thing Trump did taking out an Iranian general. The Iranians are retaliating with a disproportionate response.


Israel killed a couple of Iranian generals who were supplying Hezbollah in southern Lebanon with rockets. Same thing Trump did taking out an Iranian general. The Iranians are retaliating with a disproportionate response.
israel attacked forgien soil.

what trump did was an assassination and also illegal but not on iranian forgien soil.


Well-Known Member
israel attacked forgien soil.

what trump did was an assassination and also illegal but not on iranian forgien soil.
The Iranians were using their consulate in Syria as a military headquarters. That cancels the diplomatic immunity embassies and consulates have.


Strength through joy
rickyb , if this is what WWIII will look like ?
The country of Jordan also shot done some drones.
For using their airspace without permission