It’s about to get real here in 705!


Inordinately Right
I am in 710 too. I do not “fear” we will be pushed into other locals. This ramrod is the beginning of the end of the Teamsters as we know it. It’s over. Fat bit Hoffa got a huge bonus off selling us out. Let him do it. It will be his last failure.
Baboo is full of fear, among other things. He's been posting on here for years that we are overpaid and he would accept pay freezes. He's a pushover.


I am in 710 too. I do not “fear” we will be pushed into other locals. This ramrod is the beginning of the end of the Teamsters as we know it. It’s over. Fat bit Hoffa got a huge bonus off selling us out. Let him do it. It will be his last failure.
Are you confident in Facebook Queen president of ours negotiating a contract, DS is a tool.


Well-Known Member
Yes i was there today it was super powerful many members packed the huge auditorium.
Much Was Talked About Let's Just Say 705 Will Negotiate a better contract we are very united. Today was a nomination another slate that doesn't have a chance or qualifications. The current slate moving forward is pretty good overall. All I know is you won't be disappointed.


Yes i was there today it was super powerful many members packed the huge auditorium.
Much Was Talked About Let's Just Say 705 Will Negotiate a better contract we are very united. Today was a nomination another slate that doesn't have a chance or qualifications. The current slate moving forward is pretty good overall. All I know is you won't be disappointed.
Did you all wear your 8/1 and out shirts?

710 steward

Well-Known Member
Selling out my wanting a stronger pension? Plz explain how I’m selling you out.

By voting yes to ANY split scale jobs is a sellout. This company made 6 billion alone last year under the current contract. It works. We don’t need any changes other than monetary.

If you understand math(my guess is you don’t) a pension increase of any kind is probably more a dream than it ever will be a reality. An alternative retirement solution is what is needed. Any increases to the fund should be split between the fund and a 401k contribution. That solves your retirement problem and keeps the pension funded.


By voting yes to ANY split scale jobs is a sellout. This company made 6 billion alone last year under the current contract. It works. We don’t need any changes other than monetary.

If you understand math(my guess is you don’t) a pension increase of any kind is probably more a dream than it ever will be a reality. An alternative retirement solution is what is needed. Any increases to the fund should be split between the fund and a 401k contribution. That solves your retirement problem and keeps the pension funded.
Yea you’re smarter than me, living in a dream world pal.

710 steward

Well-Known Member
Yea you’re smarter than me, living in a dream world pal.

I hate to break this to you, but if you think you’ll ever really get a pension increase than I am smarter than you. When the stock market dips(and eventually it will) so will the funding percentage. Only 401k contributions will help you now with less and less Teamster jobs.


I hate to break this to you, but if you think you’ll ever really get a pension increase than I am smarter than you. When the stock market dips(and eventually it will) so will the funding percentage. Only 401k contributions will help you now with less and less Teamster jobs.
710s pension is in trouble, gonna be below 80% soon. I seriously doubt any other locals presidents are also a BA. That’s right, our president is also still a BA. Just shows how broke 710 is but we have a multi million dollar union hall, yay! We also have a retired BA getting paid to be a “consultant”, receiving 2 pensions. 25 years and $2800 a month is poverty. Where is all this money going? Oh yea it’s being drained by bankrupt trucking companies. Wonder how much is in the strike fund, probably enough for a bologna sandwich.