It's time for Teamster leaders to start representing Teamster workers


Well-Known Member
Dumb!@#. Congrats union members if you pass this contract... sincerely hoofa and hall

smart girl

Well-Known Member
Teamsters are taking concessions on our healthcare as many have predicted since the passage of the Affordable Care Act. The outlook for the years to come for both active workers & retirees is predictably even worse. Our leadership, Hoffa/Hall may have decided to support the ACA with good intent as did many other unions but the promises made are far from what is materializing. As some of the unions that supported the legislation are reversing their public support, it may be time for the Teamsters to do the same but it's only going to happen if we, the rank & file, start asking questions & put pressure on our representation. While it may be too late for the setbacks in this contract, repealing the ACA is the only way we can reverse the inevitable deterioration of our employer provided health insurance plans. It's time we demand our union leaders refocus their loyalties away from Washington & back to the people that pay their salaries!

Unions break ranks on ObamaCare - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |
. It has become too apparent to me and many others that this TA represents ignorance.
We had an extensive Supplemental and Contract required language for better conditions and insurance that full time jobs become available and the unborn future Workers are protected. None of the new language even resembles the voice of the membership. At what point did they think well let this ride and see how it rolls. We pay them to not take less than what we want or deserve, nor, do we pay them to roll the dice on our livelihoods. How can those near retirement who have planned well be thrown such a game changer? This is the worst contract for EVERYBODY in the
Parcel Family. So treat your brother or sister like your family and vote no for common sense.