Jimmy Carter Pulls the Race Card

fact check

Well-Known Member
At least Sean H. doesn't hold hands with that Hugo character.

You mean shaking hands with the leader of another country?

At least his doesn't kiss them and walk hand in hand with the leaders of the country whose citizens attacked us on 9/11.

Really, get overit. He gave a great speech today and things are finally looking up.

Do you really expect him to undo 8 years of Bush in 8 months?

fact check

Well-Known Member
James Rubin:

Mr. Obama's new diplomacy is well-suited to an era of democratic government and instant communication. By refusing to snub Hugo Chávez, Mr. Obama makes it harder for dictators and anti-American activists to demonize the U.S. Of course, national security is not a popularity contest. But since governments around the world are increasingly democratic, they must respond to the attitudes of their people. A popular America has more leverage at the negotiating table on issues from trade to terrorism. While Republican operatives may dismiss the significance of having a president the world admires, the fact is that Mr. Obama's popularity brings tangible benefits we have lost over the last eight years.

If the president's critics continue to judge him by Bush-era standards of diplomacy and regime change, they are going to have a lot to shout about over the next four years. But the majority of Americans who supported Barack Obama will withhold judgment and give the administration the opportunity to implement its initiatives on climate change, nuclear proliferation, Afghanistan and Iran. They may even give the new policies time to work."


Staff member
Read the first part of the paragraph.

Also consider his reception at the UN yesterday.

I did. It's all Mr Rubins opinion. Mr Obama is a huge celebrity around the world no doubt, but nothing he's done has yielded any "tangible" return. (I'm not saying it won't, just that it hasn't yet).

Big celebrity status, foreigners love him and cheer! But when are their governments going to do more to help us in the war on terrorism?

Don't just cheer my President, send in your troops!