In this situation, who are the good men doing nothing?
As far as I can tell, Obama is trying to do his level best as 'President' to keep us in this '
y'all haters love to crunch this guy, but he's out-Bushing Bush jr...)
Maybe that was one of Obama's biggest failures...trying to bend toward the 'will of the people' in terms of getting us out of Iraq. Chicken/egg etc.
Take a poll, my guess is the citizens of the USA really don't want our soldiers on the 'ground', for good reason:
We haven't been able to take care of our soldiers when they've come home from the past two 'wars',
so why should we commit more soldiers for another idiot war?
We couldn't do it in ten years and 100,000 troops, but L. Graham thinks we can solve ISIS with 10,000 troops? On the ground?
Obama doesn't actually have a plan for all this

e, he's just kicking the can down the road, just like the best of them.