Juicing Cannabis

The specifics are invariably unknown. There are certainly negative effects from smoking it. However, there are many safe methods of ingestion.

I meant hysterical, as in, drawing unnecessary attention to ones viewpoint or argument without any real knowledge of the subject. What I really meant was histrionic ;)

I would agree that ALL the specifics are unknown, but there are some that are pretty well researched and documented. With so many specifics unknown, how can one definitively say that there are many safe methods of ingestion? By you own words, we don't really know if it is safe or not in the long term.

What do you mean by real knowledge? Who is being histrionic?


I would agree that ALL the specifics are unknown, but there are some that are pretty well researched and documented. With so many specifics unknown, how can one definitively say that there are many safe methods of ingestion? By you own words, we don't really know if it is safe or not in the long term.

What do you mean by real knowledge? Who is being histrionic?
Anyone who makes declarations in scientific discussion without knowing the science involved. The declarations are to attract attention to oneself and be opinionated, without actually having any working knowledge of the subject at hand. That's called empty politics, and a perfect example is the GW thread. So much misinformation in that thread, it's hard to take seriously from a scientific standpoint.

As far as safe ingestion, it has been tested and proven that (for example) marijuana vapors are safe to ingest. I am not saying that the actual EFFECTS or long-term effects are safe, but it is reported to be a much safer alternative to smoking.

Technically, every move we make is a risk-taking behavior...sleeping, eating, talking, walking...all can have negative consequences. So in that regard, yes, nothing is 100% safe. ;)


Pees in the brown Koolaid
As libertarian, I believe that people should have the freedom to make an informed choice about what substances they wish to ingest into their bodies.

As a recovering alcoholic, I also realize that there are some substances (heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine among others) that are so powerfully addictive that there really is no actual "freedom" involved once addiction sets in. These substances should not be "legal" per se, but they should be made available by prescription to addicts who are willing to register as such and place themselves under medical supervision.

Cannabis can also be psychologically addictive, but not to the extent that alcohol or"hard drugs" are. Chronic abuse of cannabis is also far less physically or psychologically damaging than chronic abuse of alcohol or hard drugs. I say this from personal experience. Been there, done that, got the T shirt.

The "war on drugs" is causing far more death and destruction than the drugs themselves ever will. Its time to end the war. As far as cannabis goes, it is pointless to outlaw a weed and there is no rational reason why it should be illegal for a person to grow and use it in the privacy of their own home.
Anyone who makes declarations in scientific discussion without knowing the science involved. The declarations are to attract attention to oneself and be opinionated, without actually having any working knowledge of the subject at hand. That's called empty politics, and a perfect example is the GW thread. So much misinformation in that thread, it's hard to take seriously from a scientific standpoint.

As far as safe ingestion, it has been tested and proven that (for example) marijuana vapors are safe to ingest. I am not saying that the actual EFFECTS or long-term effects are safe, but it is reported to be a much safer alternative to smoking.

Technically, every move we make is a risk-taking behavior...sleeping, eating, talking, walking...all can have negative consequences. So in that regard, yes, nothing is 100% safe. ;)
So are you saying that you are being histrionic on the subject at hand or that you have a working knowledge? If you have a working knowledge, please explain how you came by this working knowledge. Are you a certified researcher or a lay scientist on the subject?

I've never smoked MJ, but I have read the reports from the studies. I realize that does not make me an expert and have never claimed to be. One doesn't need to be an expert to voice their opinions based on what they have read.

My opinions are just that, my opinions, and they are not formed by any political stance.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
And my opinions are just that also.
If I had the choice to ingest marijuana, or take opiate drugs, I would go for the mj.
Thats all folks. im not trying to be a know it all. Weighing the known against the unknown, I would take the unknown.
My opinions are not scientific either.
Being married to a man with chronic pain, I dont like him being on morphine to which I would imagine he is addicted. It doesnt matter, coz without it he would be dead, that is scientific. Thats why it is usuallly given to people who will die from thier ailment anyway, just like a cancer patient, its more important to keep them "comfortable"
I just wish he could legally access MJ. He might stay around longer.
if thats histrionic, so be it.


As libertarian, I believe that people should have the freedom to make an informed choice about what substances they wish to ingest into their bodies.

As a recovering alcoholic, I also realize that there are some substances (heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine among others) that are so powerfully addictive that there really is no actual "freedom" involved once addiction sets in. These substances should not be "legal" per se, but they should be made available by prescription to addicts who are willing to register as such and place themselves under medical supervision.

Cannabis can also be psychologically addictive, but not to the extent that alcohol or"hard drugs" are. Chronic abuse of cannabis is also far less physically or psychologically damaging than chronic abuse of alcohol or hard drugs. I say this from personal experience. Been there, done that, got the T shirt.

The "war on drugs" is causing far more death and destruction than the drugs themselves ever will. Its time to end the war. As far as cannabis goes, it is pointless to outlaw a weed and there is no rational reason why it should be illegal for a person to grow and use it in the privacy of their own home.
Marijuana can be linked to exacerbating mental illnesses and forcing earlier onsets.


So are you saying that you are being histrionic on the subject at hand or that you have a working knowledge? If you have a working knowledge, please explain how you came by this working knowledge. Are you a certified researcher or a lay scientist on the subject?

I've never smoked MJ, but I have read the reports from the studies. I realize that does not make me an expert and have never claimed to be. One doesn't need to be an expert to voice their opinions based on what they have read.

My opinions are just that, my opinions, and they are not formed by any political stance.
You missed my point. The point was, that anyone who's a know-it-all on subjects that haven't been fully explored, are full of *****. I respect yours and anyone elses opinions.


Well-Known Member
NY Gov Cuomo has announced that the legislature will not address the issue of medicial marijuana during this session as there is not enough time to adequately discuss all of the pros/cons.
You missed my point. The point was, that anyone who's a know-it-all on subjects that haven't been fully explored, are full of *****. I respect yours and anyone elses opinions.
If you, or anyone else, took what I was saying as me thinking I actually KNEW a thing about MJ, I'm sorry I didn't make myself clear. I only know what I read in the reports of the studies. I do feel that the studies can't really be considered 100% correct, but how correct....hell if I know. But really that's all I have to go on and I prefer to err on the side of caution. I've had friends tell me that their personal experience proves that MJ is totally harmless. I can't believe that either.


bella amicizia
I'm not going to expound as to why I might know this, but suffice it to say I am of the opinion that Mary-g-wanna is harmless. I wouldn't hand a joint or a bong or a vaporizer to a 16yr old, but, harmless nonetheless.


If you, or anyone else, took what I was saying as me thinking I actually KNEW a thing about MJ, I'm sorry I didn't make myself clear. I only know what I read in the reports of the studies. I do feel that the studies can't really be considered 100% correct, but how correct....hell if I know. But really that's all I have to go on and I prefer to err on the side of caution. I've had friends tell me that their personal experience proves that MJ is totally harmless. I can't believe that either.
You are one of the more open minded and cautious posters here, and none of my posts were at all direct rebuttals to yours. ;)


Well-Known Member
Marijuana IMO is a mixed bag and I speak as a user and even a dealer back in the 70's. I never smoked tobacco on the grounds it was bad for my lungs but I smoked literally pounds of reefer. I never said I used logic in that decision. :laughing: I do think smoking marijuana can't be better than tobacco in regards to tar, etc.

If marijuana were legalized today, I can't say for certain that I would use it or not use it. I'm very much a tea and coffee man these days but I have an incentive to be that way and to be honest I like it. My incentive is my kids are heavily involved in music and it's no secret that industry has it's horror stories. I see my first duty as a parent to set that example in the hopes they follow it and I've been lucky in that some of the musicians they've worked with have also told them the horror stories, some very personal and they've taken these lessons to heart and reminded focused. That said, I do think it should be completely legal because of it's vast use and potential far, far beyond getting high.

As for marijuana and it's medical use, it may well have a place but it does need more research and I have no illusions that it is the one size fits all solution to a variety of medical ills. Just as every medicine or medical regime has side effects for some people, I would think that marijuana whether smoked or ingested is not for everyone. Even alcohol has medical value but not everyone can consume it.


Marijuana IMO is a mixed bag and I speak as a user and even a dealer back in the 70's. I never smoked tobacco on the grounds it was bad for my lungs but I smoked literally pounds of reefer. I never said I used logic in that decision. :laughing: I do think smoking marijuana can't be better than tobacco in regards to tar, etc.

If marijuana were legalized today, I can't say for certain that I would use it or not use it. I'm very much a tea and coffee man these days but I have an incentive to be that way and to be honest I like it. My incentive is my kids are heavily involved in music and it's no secret that industry has it's horror stories. I see my first duty as a parent to set that example in the hopes they follow it and I've been lucky in that some of the musicians they've worked with have also told them the horror stories, some very personal and they've taken these lessons to heart and reminded focused. That said, I do think it should be completely legal because of it's vast use and potential far, far beyond getting high.

As for marijuana and it's medical use, it may well have a place but it does need more research and I have no illusions that it is the one size fits all solution to a variety of medical ills. Just as every medicine or medical regime has side effects for some people, I would think that marijuana whether smoked or ingested is not for everyone. Even alcohol has medical value but not everyone can consume it.
Jim Gordon (musician) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
'nuff said!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
So WKMAC, after smoking pounds of weed, and being the erudite scholar that your posts present you to be, just how bad was it for you.
Seems to me years later, you do not lack expediency in presenting your views, or incoherence in doing so.
I guess you could be the sampling of, a long term effect of marijuana smoking.
point, well played.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I think drugs that are legally prescribed, like Lyrica, are worse for you than some weed that grows in the backyard.
And I agree, wholeheardetly....

Just read the side effects of Lyrica, vicodin, lipitor, celebrex, Enbrol, Humira, you are better off suffering with the disease than trying to treat its symptoms.
Oh you are depressed? here take some of this but the side affects are suicidal tendencies. Well thanks Im already depressed, this should help alot. :hangin: I say, might have psoriasis
so I guess I will just itch and flake, or take a medicine that has caused cancer in some, liver failure, or hemoraging (spelled wrong I know) I think ill just keep itching and flaking.
Hear, take some marijuana, you will have a sense of relief, relaxation, hunger, and you might laugh alot. I think it should be in our drinking water.


Well-Known Member
And I agree, wholeheardetly....

Just read the side effects of Lyrica, vicodin, lipitor, celebrex, Enbrol, Humira, you are better off suffering with the disease than trying to treat its symptoms.
Oh you are depressed? here take some of this but the side affects are suicidal tendencies. Well thanks Im already depressed, this should help alot. :hangin: I say, might have psoriasis
so I guess I will just itch and flake, or take a medicine that has caused cancer in some, liver failure, or hemoraging (spelled wrong I know) I think ill just keep itching and flaking.
Hear, take some marijuana, you will have a sense of relief, relaxation, hunger, and you might laugh alot. I think it should be in our drinking water.


After reading your post above on the ill effects from "legal" drugs, it made me think of a picture a friend sent me today that we both laughed at.

And I agree, wholeheardetly....

Just read the side effects of Lyrica, vicodin, lipitor, celebrex, Enbrol, Humira, you are better off suffering with the disease than trying to treat its symptoms.
Oh you are depressed? here take some of this but the side affects are suicidal tendencies. Well thanks Im already depressed, this should help alot. :hangin: I say, might have psoriasis
so I guess I will just itch and flake, or take a medicine that has caused cancer in some, liver failure, or hemoraging (spelled wrong I know) I think ill just keep itching and flaking.
Hear, take some marijuana, you will have a sense of relief, relaxation, hunger, and you might laugh alot. I think it should be in our drinking water.
Have you ever wondered why all these drugs (the Rx kind) have all these side effects listed and still get on the market? I have so I asked my Dr. His answer was that during the testing stage of theses drugs anyone reporting any problems however mild or actual proof of connection was logged. At the end of the study phase all the "side effects" are mentioned as possible side effects from the drug. Out of a sampling of, say. 100 test subjects maybe only one person had liver failure. The drug companies list ALL these possible side effects, if for no other reason, to cover their asses in case of a law suit.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying to ignore the possible side effects on a prescribed medicine, just that without further investigation it might not be wise to throw out the prescription and rely on weed to cure all ills.