July 12th, 2017: Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality


I started this.
Staff member
Ajit Pai: the man who could destroy the open internet - The FCC chairman leading net neutrality rollback is a former Verizon employee and whose views on regulation echo those of broadband companies - The Guardian

Pai’s views echo those of the big broadband companies. That might have something to do with the huge sums AT&T, Comcast and Verizon throw toward lobbying, collectively spending $11m in the first quarter of 2017.

The big telecommunications companies also argue that the rules are too heavy-handed and will stifle investment in infrastructure – although they say the opposite when talking to their investors. Instead of being regulated like utilities, these companies say they’d prefer to self-regulate until net neutrality protections can be passed by Congress.

That hasn’t worked out well for consumers so far: during negotiations with Netflix in 2014, Comcast and Verizon throttled streaming speeds by up to 30% on average – until Netflix decided to cough up cash through “paid prioritization” deals. These types of deals were scrapped under the 2015 legislation. Internet providers have also given technical advantages to their own streaming services, as AT&T did with DirectTV in 2016.

Pretty much everyone outside the large cable companies supports the FCC’s net neutrality rules. In an uncharacteristic display of unity, large companies such as Amazon, Google and Facebook have joined forces with smaller companies such as Reddit, Netflix, Vimeo and Etsy and activists including the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the ACLU and Demand Progress to protest the proposed rollback. They are among the 200 organizations to participate in a day of action on 12 July in an attempt to get their users to contact Congress and the FCC and demand that net neutrality be protected.


Just a turd
Dear Mr. Ferguson;

Thank you for contacting me regarding the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) regulation of Internet services. Hearing from you helps me better represent Kentucky in the United States Senate.

On February 26, 2015, the FCC approved an order that permitted it to regulate Internet service providers like public utilities under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934, allowing tighter controls over broadband and mobile providers. Additionally, the order prevented the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) from fully exerting its statutorily established authority over the conduct of Internet service providers who engage in anticompetitive behavior, like limiting or outright blocking access to particular websites or services of a competitor.

For me, the FCC’s order brought upon great concern that this action would hinder broadband deployment throughout the nation, especially in Kentucky’s rural areas. Unfortunately, that is precisely what has happened after its implementation. Broadband investment across the country has steadily declined, resulting in less consumer choice and stifling innovation.

Fortunately, the FCC under its new chairman, Ajit Pai, recognizes the role the FCC should play in removing barriers that suppress advances in this vibrant industry. The expansion of the Internet has been made possible in large part by a limited regulatory burden. For this reason, I was pleased to hear that on May 18, 2017, the FCC voted to revisit the 2015 order and is committed to considering the public’s comments in crafting a new rule. If you would like to submit a formal comment, you may wish to visit the FCC website at www.fcc.gov.

Please know, I will continue to support policies that promote an open and accessible Internet for all Americans. I wholeheartedly believe that this may only be accomplished through a light regulatory touch. After all, many of the incredible technological achievements we rely on today were created thanks to a lightly regulated Internet. Rest assured, I will keep your thoughts foremost in mind as Congress continues to debate policies impacting the Internet.

Again, thank you for contacting me regarding this important matter. If you would like to receive periodic updates from my office, please sign up for my eNewsletter at www.mcconnell.senate.gov, become a fan of my page on Facebook by visiting www.facebook.com/mitchmcconnell or follow my office on Twitter @McConnellPress. In the meantime, I hope you will continue to keep me informed of issues important to you.


Here's my letter @Monkey Butt


Well-Known Member
Dear Mr. Ferguson;

Thank you for contacting me regarding the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) regulation of Internet services. Hearing from you helps me better represent Kentucky in the United States Senate....

(bullchit, bullchit, bullchit).


Here's my letter @Monkey Butt

Unbelievable, yet so believable.

Guy looks like a turtle and talks like he has marbles in his mouth.

How does he repeatedly continue to be reelected?



Nine Lives
Guy looks like a turtle and talks like he has marbles in his mouth.

How does he repeatedly continue to be reelected?

Yep, he does.

Same way nancy Pelosi does?

LOL - He's a Senator goober boy! Ahhh man, I was laughing the whole time I wrote this!


Just a turd
Unbelievable, yet so believable.

Guy looks like a turtle and talks like he has marbles in his mouth.

How does he repeatedly continue to be reelected?


He keeps getting reelected in Kentucky because of the fact he is the Senate majority leader. He is able to pump money into our Commonwealth.


Nine Lives
Here's a Senator that is firmly for Net Neutrality.

Dear Mr JerkButt,

Thank you for contacting me regarding net neutrality. I appreciate your thoughts on this subject and I am grateful for the opportunity to respond to you.

I have consistently been opposed to attempts by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to regulate the Internet, because I believe that the competition created by the free market will better ensure that the Internet remains open and free. I also believe that unnecessary regulations have the potential to stifle innovation and be harmful to consumers. In the past, I have supported several legislative measures in this regard, including an amendment to prohibit the FCC from using any appropriated funds "to adopt, implement, or otherwise litigate any network neutrality based rules, protocols, or standards."

On February 26, 2015, Chairman Wheeler and the FCC released new net neutrality regulations to the public. The new regulations, adopted by a vote of 3-2, reclassify broadband Internet services as telecommunications services subject to Title II of the Communications Act of 1934. This classification gives the FCC regulatory authority over the Internet and access to its content. I do not support this reclassification of the Internet or the expansion of the federal government's control over the Internet. I am very disappointed in the agency's decision to heed President Obama's call for stricter net neutrality rules by implementing this new regulatory scheme, because it demonstrates that the FCC may not be fulfilling its role as an independent agency. I am also concerned with the lack of transparency from the FCC on this issue, which includes the refusal of Chairman Wheeler to appear before the house Oversight Committee prior to the net neutrality vote.

As the FCC moves forward, I will keep a close eye on these issues and work with my colleagues to determine if any Congressional action is necessary. I will keep your thoughts and concerns in mind should any related legislation come before me on the Senate floor.

Thank you again for contacting me. Please visit my webpage at www.isakson.senate.gov for more information on the issues important to you and to sign up for my newsletter.

Johnny Isakson
United States Senator