Jury duty during a vacation week


Well-Known Member
Anybody on here ever have to call in for jury duty mid week during a vacation week? Are you compensated by UPS over and above your payed time off?
Never seen this scenario, but UPS pays you your 8 hours per day while on jury duty and slightly more than that when on vacation obviously, so I can't imagine a world in which they would pay you more than 9 or whatever it is you're already getting in that scenario.


Huge Member
Contract states:
An employee who is required to report for jury duty during a week of previously scheduled vacation may select another available week of vacation.

That being said, you would have had to tell them before this week started and take a different one off (if available)
Now that the week started, you are SOL


Never bought my own handtruck
Sure you can. Tell the court you’re gonna be out of town that week and can they reschedule your jury duty. How do I know this? I’ve done it
Sometimes I wonder if these kids need us to show them how to use their dicks. Like WTF?

Anybody on here ever have to call in for jury duty mid week during a vacation week? Are you compensated by UPS over and above your payed time off?

Hey kid, if you need me to show you how, tell your mom to call me! Jesus Christ.


Well-Known Member
Contract states:
An employee who is required to report for jury duty during a week of previously scheduled vacation may select another available week of vacation.

That being said, you would have had to tell them before this week started and take a different one off (if available)
Now that the week started, you are SOL
Is this National? This is a great nugget of info. I bet very few are aware of this, and it would be like pulling teeth to get mgmt to let someone select another week.


Well-Known Member
All I know is that the inside of my local Courthouse was a hell of a lot warmer in Jan. thru March than my UPS truck was. I LOVED jury duty.