Just How Southern Are Ya

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
I’ve always thought it funny how clueless Northerners associated Black people with watermelon. That’s a Southern thing, Black and White. I don’t remember ever going to a cookout, reunion or any kind of get together in the summer where there wasn’t a watermelon being cut open. We had many watermelon seed spitting contests as kids. Lol. They were always refreshing and cool on a hot summer day.


Retired 23 years
Souse is Head Cheese. Damn good stuff.
Hog cheek is good but I don't think it is just a Soithern thing.
Ditto for Moonshine ... Maybe some Yankees can we right in.
They make head cheese here too--its not just a "southern" thing. Also beef tongue---like eating wet sandpaper.


Well-Known Member
I got a 12. I am obviously not southern.

I feel like most of the foods on my list below, are everyday foods throughout the country, and most people have tried these...

Peach cobbler
Hush Puppies
Fried Green Tomatoes
Tomato sandwich
Fried Bologna
Boiled peanuts
Pear salad
Deviled Eggs
Chicken fried steak

See, none of mine are particularly adventurous. Just average foodstuffs.


Well-Known Member
I got a 12. I am obviously not southern.

I feel like most of the foods on my list below, are everyday foods throughout the country, and most people have tried these...

Peach cobbler
Hush Puppies
Fried Green Tomatoes
Tomato sandwich
Fried Bologna
Boiled peanuts
Pear salad
Deviled Eggs
Chicken fried steak

See, none of mine are particularly adventurous. Just average foodstuffs.


golden ticket member
I got a 12. I am obviously not southern.

I feel like most of the foods on my list below, are everyday foods throughout the country, and most people have tried these...

Peach cobbler
Hush Puppies
Fried Green Tomatoes
Tomato sandwich
Fried Bologna
Boiled peanuts
Pear salad
Deviled Eggs
Chicken fried steak

See, none of mine are particularly adventurous. Just average foodstuffs.
I "double hate" corn bread!!